S I X T Y - S E V E N

Start from the beginning

"No. Hayley is running out of leads." Freya sighed and sat down next to her.

"I'm sorry I can't be more of a help. After these babies come out I'll find a way." Mia said adding it to the list of things she needed to do before her kids begin to walk.

"Head up. You can always purge your emotions through murder of those who don't listen to our authority." Freya said before standing up and exiting the room.

Mia chuckled and called the help of the house, "Hey, I'm going to be going for a walk outside. It's alright it for you to come in and tidy things up, I won't kill you." She said chuckling softly before hanging up.

She stood and and went straight to the bathroom to get clean. Freya was right I need to get it together, She thought. As she got ready, being very careful, she tried to push away the thoughts of Klaus being absent for the birth of the twins.

"Stop it." She whispered to herself and filled a bag with things she needed. She made her way outside and into her car before driving away.

Hayley sat next to Hope and ran her fingers through her hair slowly. She received an incoming call from Rebekah and quickly picked it up.

"Hey!" Rebekah's voice rang throughout the quiet room.

"Hey." Hayley said with less enthusiasm.

"What's the matter?" She asked worriedly. Hayley bit her lip and lied, "Nothing, Mia's just..." She trailed off.

Rebekah sighed looking down, "I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. I miss her more than anything." Rebekah said honestly.

"If only she picked up the phone." Rebekah said annoyed.

Freya walked into the room, "She would sister but she's splitting her mind in two to find something and you know that talking on the phone isn't enough. Maybe an Astro projection could help." Freya said getting what others would call a lightbulb.

"Are you sure?! I need to see her! Oh I'm so excited for the babies." Rebekah gushed making Hayley look away from the phone as she saw hers laying down there and sleeping.

"How's Hope?" Rebekah finally asked.

"She's good! Yeah she's playing outside with some other kids." Hayley life, again.

Rebekah smiled at her, "That's great. I've got to go but please see if the projection will work. If mia won't listen to you guys then she'll have to listen to me." Rebekah said determinedly before hanging up.

Mia parked her car before stepping out of it and going into the woods. She had a couple of books in her hand and a bag with herbs. Once she had found a spot she began to set things up for a spell.

"Okay kids, this is exactly what you're not supposed to do but I am me so this is what I'm going to do." She mumbled before she began to chant.

The wind increased as the animals began to flee from where she was. The plants dried up and the trees grew weaker with every word she recited over and over.

Freya had done a locator spell and followed her to where she was because she was worried of her well being. She knew Mia would be upset but she had promised her brother Mia would be safe

"Mia!" Freya ran over to her and stopped the spell. "What are you doing?!" She asked, furious as she took in her surroundings.

"You're following me?!"

"Yes because we were worried about you!" Freya said before taking the piece of paper from her hands with the spell she was doing.

Freyas eyes scanned it and her face fell, "You're using dark magic-"

"I needed to see him!" Mia yelled. "I want to see him! You don't know what it's like to be apart of the one person you would do anything for. This is different from the other times he had left. Nik has no one out there! Not Rebekah, not Kol, not even Elijah! He's going to go off the rails and I have to see him." Mia yelled frustrated.

"You think I'm not worried about him! Of course I am! But I..." freya's voice cracked, "But I am trying to keep it together for you and Hayley. I searched hundreds of years for this family and for a second I had it." Freya said making Mia's face soften.

"I'm sorry." Mia whispered, "I'm sorry."

Freya grabbed Mia's hand, "We will bring them home, together. But not like this." She said referring to the spell.

Mia nodded before saying, "incendia."

The books and pages lit up and once they were ashes Mia put the fire out. "Let's go home." Freya said taking her hand and leading her back to her car.

Once they had entered the compoud, there was some men sitting and waiting for Mia.

Mia unknowingly switched to her business personality and motioned for the men to stand up. "Freya leave us please." She said and Freya did as told.

"Follow me." Mia said and led them into the tok where they were going to aveces their meeting.

She motioned for them to sit before doing it herself, "What do you have for me?" She asked as they pulled out files.

"We have word the person you are looking for is on the way to Europe as we speak." One of the men said pulling out the flight plan before handing it towards Mia.

Mia took and it inspected it, "Where was he before that?"

"Mystic Falls." One of them said before taking out photographs and passing them over to her. Mia took them and looked at him talking to Damon and Stefan.

"Do you know what he was telling them?" Mia asked but they shook their head.

Mia nodded slowly, "Very well. Is this all you have for me?" Mia asked which made them nod.

"Good work. Continue following him, all expenses of your trips should be charged to my account as always." Mia said standing up.

The two men nodded and thanked her before leaving the room.

Mia went upstairs and packed a bag with her belongings before buying a property in Mysitc Falls.

"Freya! Hayley!" She called as she continued to pack everything she loved.

When they walked in Freya in her heart knew what she was doing and felt sad, but also glad that she was finally thinking about her kids future.

Hayley gave her a sad smile, "Where are we going?" She asked.

"Mystic Falls, it's time I begin preparations for our kids school."


*srry for typos :(

Mia - k. mikaelson |completed| Where stories live. Discover now