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Here you go..


Cassandra looked at him and her eyes widened. For a while she just stared.

"Breath" Coltrane whispered slowly, shaking her. She blinked her eyes.Did she hear something wrong?

Cassandra died.

Cassandra blinked her eyes again trying to proceed with what he said. She feel herself shaking. This is bad she thought, as she can feel the bitter taste rising up. She pushed him and he let her go. She rushed in the bathroom, vomiting everything she ate. She slide down on the floor her shoulder shaking for once she thought she herself died. But that just her thoughts playing trick. Three months she tried to detach herself from everyone. She doesn't want to do anything with anyone and those thoughts were always knocking asking her.

Why is she breathing?

Why is she alive?

Gliding on the verge of insanity.

Coltrane was standing there looking at her face drained of any colour. She felt choked suffocation built.

Coltrane eyes widen as she violently shakes coughing.

"Cassandra," Coltrane said, lowering up to her and holding her shoulder. He grabbed her face and made her look at him.

"Breath" his words did not reach her at all. After trying, he pressed his lips against her.

Air rushed in as she breathed in. He repeated again and again till her shaking stopped. He backed away looking at her. Her face gained a bit of the colour.

Tears fall from her eyes. Slowly her shaking started again as she sobbed loudly. His heart breaks at her condition. He held as she cried.

Cassandra did not know why she was crying. Everything seems to be crashing on her consciousness.

This three months silence came out as tears.

Tears which she hates.

Tears that always show weakness.

Tears that only earn pity from others.

"I.. d..o..n..t c..a..r..e" (I don't care ) She sobbed. Coltrane felt his heart crack a bit at her painful heart wrenching sobs.

"It's okay love" He whispered rubbing her back trying to relax her. It took a lot of effort for him to pull her out of her crying session. The words she repeatedly said will haunt him.

I don't care

Coltrane unconsciously pressed a kiss on her forehead, "It's okay if you don't care"

Cassandra froze, after getting back her sense she pushed him away.

"W...h..y a..r..e y..o..u t..e..l..l..i..n..g m..e t..h..i..s?"(why are you telling me this?) She asked as her eyes hurt and her shoulder sagged. Coltrane looked at her trying to gauge her emotions but her face was a clear slate. She turned her face away.

"That woman hurt you, tried to kill you. If you don't care or want nothing to do with her is understandable Cassandra" his voice was clear like a slate.

" w..h..y I.. d..o..n..t c..a..r..e" (that's not why I don't care) Cassandra whispered as another tear fell from her eyes.

"Then why?" Coltrane asked softly as if his voice would break the serenity that was holding them together. She looked away as another tear fell from her eyes. For some reason he knows whatever she is going to say will be heartbreaking.

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