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Here it is another chapter...



Cassandra decided to go to the last place she can rely on. Only to get rejected, which she had no idea at that time. The fact that she lost her grandma weighed heavily on her consciousness.

Jeremy gave her the same disapproval look everybody did but the only thing he did was open his jacket covering her up. That time she noticed Coltrane was there. Tears stuck her eyes as she looked at Jeremy almost pleasingly but she just  shook her head. Jeremy will choose Coltrane, that's  how it should be after all they are old friends.

Cassandra takes a seat at a public park. Her eyes blankly staring at nothing, she feels numb to everything. Her inside crunch as she heavied a breath trying to control her shaking. She did not know when her control slipped and  she drifted off to a black place. 


She was running away or towards her and had no idea. She stopped even though her legs were trying to run. A shadow hovered over her. 

Growing larger in size, which she recognized as her Grandmother,"You killed me"

Cassandra jumped breathing heavier.Sweat accumulated on her forehead. She can still feel her head throbbing and shaking. She tried to take a deep breath but air escaped her lungs. She rushed towards the kitchen table drinking water or spilling water. Her hands shook badly as if what happened 5 years ago was happening now. Or is it?

She panicked and she needed her pills. After grabbing the bottle she takes out a few pills and drinks it with water. Her nerves were unsettling her with nausea. She rushed to the bathroom vomiting her pills with the soup she ate. Her hand touched the shower she sat there under the cold water. 

Why was she shaking? She asked herself. She gripped her head, "You killed me"

"Please stop," Cassandra  yelled out loudly, biting her lips to the point blood came out.

Her eyes widened in horror. She was looking at the walls as if it would collapse  on her. She ran out of the room. The pain between her legs increased. She stumbles. Her hand reached out to the bottle of pills. She ate the pills without water. Her eyes started to feel the dark spots and she collapsed. Everything around her feels numb. Guilty of killing her grandmother weighs on her consciousness even more now. She repeated the same mistake.What will she pay for this time? That was her last thought.


Coltrane completed his work at almost 11 p.m. He sighed. Exhaustion crawled him. He walked out of his office. His body was aching for a bath and a good night rest. But he knows better than to delay his personal matters. With that thought he made his way to Cassandra studio. 

The lights were off as usual. He shakes his head and climbs up the stairs. He was about to press the bell when he noticed the door was already open. He walked in. The room was dark. He could not see anything. So, he reached for any switchboard near him. 

Luckily he found one. The light flushed out the darkness.But he froze his leg almost gave out at the sight. He felt shocked looking down at a particular person and there was a bottle of medicine around her.

Coltrane crouched down to touch her. He felt her body cold not only that she was wearing half wet cloths. He shake her,"Cassandra "

"Cassandra wake up" When she did not reply, he gathered her in his arms. Not trying not to think absurd thoughts. He can feel her breathing, the up and down of her chest was the only thing indicating she is alive.

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