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Here you go another chapter this is for all those readers who I promised fast updates.


Jeremy drove away as fast as he could. After the initial anger he felt overwhelmed by guilt.  He hit the steer wheel stopping the car in the middle of nowhere. 

Her standing there vulnerable between him and the wall. Her down casted fearful eyes eat away his sanity. Her pleasing voice and when she gives up. Let him do whatever he wanted, flash though his eyes. He rubbed his face.

"Damn it" Jermey yelled, breathing harshly. He felt the back of his eyes burnt with unwanted tears. Why the hell is his life this complicated?

He always hated when she cried and here he was making her cry the most. 

What his mother said makes sense now? Was he abusing her?

Yes he was. He just proved his mother right and if Catherine hated him for this it is justified. Because no amount of lies can justify his action even though she is his wife or is she?

That doesn't even matter now. He took a deep breath, the urge to go back and see what she was doing invaded his senses but he held onto this urge. As much as he wanted to do that, they are unhealthy for each other. Whenever she is around him, he always makes her scared and jumpy. Most of the time she does not even look at him and do whatever he wants.

And that is not something that will go away easily or change anytime soon. Because whenever Catherine is around him, his thoughts wander to what she did? The hurt bubbled up in him with anger and hatred.  

As the days went by it was only increasing, Jeremy sighed. But first and foremost he needs to think that she is pregnant. He dialed Dr.Brown phone number to book an appointment tomorrow. And than he called Rose his assistant that she needed to call his home number tomorrow for a reminder of the hospital appointment. It's almost bittersweet that she is pregnant with his baby. He needs to take his mind off of unwanted things.

Jeremy searched the nearest bar. Drinking might make people forget but for him it's only refreshing memories and he is stuck as those memories replayed on and on, till he goes mad. He cannot get drunk that easily than what was he doing here? He asked himself in mockery.

The bartender was looking at him curiously. Many people came here to pour out their hurt, anger and sadness. She was waiting for this handsome man to do the same.

Drink after drink only make his guilty surface and what he did. He gritt his teeth closing his eyes taking a deep breath before opening her eyes.

"Hello darling. I can make you forget your pain" Jeremy looked up for the first time to notice the bartender.

Jeremy chuckled, no one can make him forget anything. He is messed up. The woman he loves but does not want to do anything with her make a mess out of his life, how can he explain this to her or anyone else as a matter of fact. He paid the bill and silently walked out of there.

Jeremy made his way to the same hotel he stayed when he came here for Coltrane wedding. Another bitter reminder of what exactly he sighed himself yp for.He signed.

Jeremy walked in no one stopped or asked him anything. The concierge hand him the keys to which he give her a brief nod of acknowledgement. He went straight to the bed, closing his eyes, only to see her frightened eyes.

"I need to sleep," Jeremy groaned, sleep and leave everything behind. He woke up early in the morning and went straight to his office after taking a shower.

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