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"Baby," I say into her ear softly, followed by me moving her hair and kissing her neck


"Wake up, beautiful" she moves slightly on her back, looking up at me; I lean into her kissing her lips.

"Have you been awake this whole time?" She asks, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, you mean after you woke me up this morning?" She blushes, then smiles, and I brush my thumb over her bottom lip. "You can wake me up with those lips anytime you want."

"I'm just giving you something to remember," she giggles, her dimples slightly showing.

"Are you mocking me? I tease her.

"Now, why would I do that? she smirks. "Wait, what time is it?" Her eyes search for her phone, so I grab mine."12:35," I reply.

"Hero, why did you let me sleep so late?" she groans

"Well, considering the events of last night and this morning, I thought you would need the sleep." I lick my lips, and she rolls her eyes.

"Isn't your flight at two, though? "her voice changes to a somber tone.

"No, I called and changed it to 5, so we still got time."

"You didn't have to do that; it cost extra money," she huffs.

"It's okay; what's with you and money anyway?"

"You work hard for it, and I just don't like it when people spend money on me, and I'm not spending time with you for your money."

"So, just the sex, huh?" I laugh

"Hero!" She says, trying to look, and sound serious, but fails and laughs.

"Now, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, I think you were moaning it this morning." She blushes and then covers her face. "And as far as the money goes, it's mine, and I can do what I want." I shrug, pulling her hands from her face and sticking my tongue out.

"Fine, but no gifts" ignoring her, I change the subject.

"Alexis called you," she gives me a vague look, "I mean Alex."

"You two are ridiculous, and it's like two children almost. I've enough attention for both of you; it shouldn't be a competition!" she says, aggravated.

"Yeah, but if it were, I would win. She rolls her eyes.

"Seriously, Hero?"

"Jess, he hates me! Like he says shit to get to me; I mean, he got mad just because I answered your phone," I say defensively.

"He doesn't hate you, and I think he doesn't want to lose me as his best friend." She says it like she doesn't know; he wants what I already have. "And I'm sure you answered my phone just to provoke him as well," she adds.

"Fine, I did, which I admit that I probably shouldn't have, but... I take a breath, trying to say calm. I'm not mad at her. I'm annoyed that she doesn't see that he has feelings for her. "I'm fixing to be four hours away while he's here with you, probably every day, and he's got two years on me, so he knows you better."

She reaches up, placing her hand on the side of my face, running her thumb over where my dimple typically shows. "I'm going to miss you too, probably more than you will me, and yes, we will probably hang out. However, if I wanted to be with him like that, I would have been already. At least you have filming and Jo's sense of humor," she laughs.

"Not true, yes I'll be busy, and Jo is great! But it doesn't make me miss you any less." I lay my head on her chest, and she ran her hand into my hair. Why is this so difficult for me? Why do I feel like I have lost her already? Why do I feel like this is goodbye?

"Do you want me to go with you?" She asks, interrupting my thoughts. "To the airport? I mean"

"I was hoping you would"

"Okay, I must take a quick shower. What about your stuff?"

"Already packed; it's actually in your closet. I had Evan drive me. Hoping you wouldn't tell me to leave," she looks at her closet door. Then back at me, giving me a look to say well, aren't you confident?

"I have to shower," she repeats

"I volunteer to help," I smirk

"As much as I want to say yes, I must take a rain check."

"Come on! We're helping the planet by saving water. Don't you care about our planet Jessica?" I ask softly with a hint of temptation as I push myself back up, leaning over her, my lips inches away from hers. Her breath hitches, and she bites her lip. Her deep green eyes looking up at me.

I love the effect I have on her because I know not many guys get to her like I do. She quickly puts her hand over my mouth, stopping me from kissing her.

"Which is exactly why you're not coming." I stick my tongue out, making contact with her hand.

"Hero!" She pulls her hand back, wiping it on my shoulder.

"What? I thought you liked it when I used my tongue?" I ask, smiling.

"I don't want you to be late! It's going to be hard enough saying goodbye" her words make my stomach sink.

"This is not goodbye, whenever you need me, even if it's just to hear me say hello. Just call or text, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible, okay?" She nods, and I get out of bed, putting on my clothes, then help Jess with hers.

"Well, look, who finally came out of their room" Kristen smiles. Pouring some juice, "you know I'm all for you guys making up, but next time give a girl some notice. That's got to be the most awkward 6 am wake-up call I have ever gotten." Jess looks at me, then back at Kristen, trying not to laugh.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, she says, reaching for the juice.

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