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She turns her head, and I feel the corners of my mouth pull into a smirk. My eyes feel like they have fire behind them as I scan her body; she fills out my hoodie perfectly.

My eyes pause at the hem; it covers just enough. While still showing the outline of her thighs and curves. I watch as she shifts her body, along with her legs. I can tell through her body language that her anger is starting to dissipate, and she's now just being stubborn.

She's not done with me any more than I am with her.

Thinking back to just minutes ago when I walked into her lying on her back. Her hair flowed from up under her as her body lightly pressed into the bed. A cigarette between her fingers, and even though I don't want her to start smoking again, the way the smoke framed her lips made them look as if they were on fire, or maybe it was just the fire I have for her.

Of course, we still need to talk seriously, and we will, but first, I lean down, pressing mute on her phone, my lips next to her ear. Honestly, I don't care if Xavier hears, but it's none of his business.

"You wanna play baby, then let's play." my voice is low and smokey.

She's not the only one with tricks.

I take what's left of the cigarette from her, moving it to my lips, pulling off of it. I watch her cheeks turn into an exquisite shade of blush pink, and her lips form into a soft smirk as she hears me exhale, releasing the smoke into the air.

Her eyes stay focused on the ceiling as I head towards the door, opening it and closing it behind me.

She isn't going anywhere. If she were, he would be here already.

"Did you have to do that?"
Avi questions, his voice raised.

"Yes, I did. He started it."
I can sense the faint bit of sarcasm in her
voice, but something still seems off.

"So you're just going
for brat now?"

"Excuse me?!"

Her reaction to his disgruntled tone, along with his assumption of her actions. Makes me stop in front of Kristen's bedroom door, wondering if I should go back in there.

"You Heard me! Jessica, all you had to
do was talk to him! But you'd rather keep
him at arm's length! And from personal
experience, that shit hurts! You're not
being fair. You never are!"

I can feel her defenses starting to go back up as her reply promptly corresponds to his tone.

"If this is some tough
love bullshit. You can save it!

"Hero won't say this because he doesn't
want to hurt your feelings! Me however
I don't care. I know you'll pout, but you'll
get over it. So I'm only going to say this

My thick brows raise in shock, and I can only imagine Jess's facial expression. She always said Xavier wasn't a pushover but that he usually goes with the flow and is not big on confrontation. So what's with the sudden pushback? I turn, moving closer to her door.

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