"I...am not... afraid."she articulated, staring at him dead in the eye.

He glared at her and went on.

"And now, you will die, with the deception that no one came for you. If you think Peter pan would risk his life and the lost boys ' over you, you're wrong. You're not worth a penny to anyone, filthy pathetic girl... because that's what you are. Filth. Nothing more. It gave me an idea actually, so you remember. "

He grabbed her extended and chained arm, her left one and chuckled darkly. This wasn't going to be pretty. Her heart raced and she began struggling again. He had no problem pinning her and making her unable to move a single limb. Her breath grew quicker and he suddenly planted his knife in her forearm earning a scream from the young witch. He began slowly tracing a shape with the blade, carving it in her flesh, blood poured out of it as she continued screaming her guts out.

He drew the knife out with a dark chuckle and went on. He planted it again and slowly cut her flesh open even more at another spot,it made a disgusting sound, blood streamed down her arm, to her wrist and drop by drop to a small string of blood dropped to the floor. The girl kept screaming and screaming as he carved five capital letters in her flesh.

How could the pain never stop. How could it still hurt after all this? How could she still have the strength to scream. She had no idea. She just wished someone would come. Anyone. She wished it could all just stop.
Done, Driniun contemplated his work, satisfied, even more at the sight of so much blood came out of her forearm. The letters were there, in her flesh. filled with blood from the open skin.

He wiped the blood off his blade and sheathed it back.

It felt like an eternity had passed, maybe it was an hour or maybe a day or maybe just a minute until she heard rustles and people coming in. Next thing, someone was shaking her, calling out her name over and over.
Hope clung to her as she knew this wasn't Driniun's voice.
"Peter?!"she whispered, gathering energy to lift her face. But this wasn't Peter.
Jackson. who quickly cut off her chains and kept her in his arms, as she instantly collapsed, her legs giving in. She lay in his arms, and he pushed a stray of her hair out of her face, stuck with the blood.

"Why did you do this to her??!"he shouted towards Driniun standing there with an evil smirk. Hook sent him a nasty look

"We agreed not to go too far!"he said

"I see you've been very easy on the boy. He barely has a bruise.

"There was no reason to. We had enough hearing her scream all day and half the night. Did she at least speak?"

"No" Hook opened wide eyes at the answer and looked at the girl for a second.

Driniun spat on the floor and said wickedly "But she will."

Jackson put a protective arm around her with a fierce look on his face.

"No! You're not touching her again!"

Olivia could hear talking but couldn't make up who it was.
She heard rustles again, people left the cell. She made an effort to open her eyes and croaked out

"J...Jackson ...?

"Yes... Olivia. It's me. I'm right here. With you. And I'm not leaving you.

She winced and groaned as she moved slightly. Her hand in his she said with effort

"I...s-said nothing... he tried....to...but I didn't... "

She let out a breath, exhausted of the effort and closed her eyes.

"No, Olivia. Hey livy yo stay with me okay? You stay with me..." tears brimmed his eyes, as he held her. She let out in a small breath

"I didn't...say a thing... I said nothing..."

Broken (Ouat Peter Pan Fanfiction)  COMPLETED BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now