Loki {Part Three}

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"Love, has breakfast been made?" Loki called from your room.

"Yeah, just a second," you hummed, dishing the scrambled eggs out onto a plate and into a Tupperware. Loki always ate on the way to work, especially when he was late in the morning. He walked into the kitchen with his office bag slung over his shoulder and spun you around to kiss him.

"Looks lovely and so does the food," he said, "I will call you when I have a break. Rest that belly of yours and enjoy the time off. I love you, (Y/N)."

"Love you, Tom," you replied. After the spell had been cast over Loki his name had become Tom Hiddelston and he was quite the rich man. The door to the apartment shut and you turned on the news. You'd quickly found that Tom never check any news except the business section, which meant you could catch up on any superhero headline news once he's left the house.

"Recently there was a spotting of the famous team of superheros. The Avengers. We managed to get a short amount of words out of the only unearthly team member, Thor of As-" 

"Sorry, Darling. Forgot my..." You were about to turn around and ask why he stopped, but you heard a heavy thump. You jumped to your feet and ran over to his body. He was glowing gold again and you scrambled to find your phone. 

"J-Jane!" you squeaked into the phone, keeping a hold on Loki's body. You could see his muscles clenching and unclenching in pain and the veins in his forehead were pumping blood. 

"What?" she asked. She sounded irritated and you realized she must have been with Thor. 

"Loki! He saw something on the news and he's glowing! I don't know what to do!" you explained. The glowing stopped and he started groaning. 

"Thor's going to be there in a second." Thunder rumbled outside and thumping of footsteps on the stairs. 

"Loki?" you asked quietly, keeping yourself at a safe distance in case the god lashed out. 

"(Y/N)?" his voice asked. It was gravelly and sounded sick. You crawled closer as the door open and ran a hand through his hair. 

"S'okay, I'm right here," you soothed. He wrapped his hand around his wrist and Thor kneeled next to the two of you.

"We need to get both of you to Asgard as soon as possible. There is no where safe here." You protectively held your stomach and shook your head.

"Take him. I can't come. It's not safe for the baby." Loki turned his head in surprise. He must have had no recollection of the last two years. All the good times, the wedding, or all the bad times, the fighting.

"Yours, don't worry. Thor, take him to Asgard. I'll keep myself safe." 

"No, mother would never approve of that. I will return him to Asgard and send Heimdall for you. You are no longer safe here." You helped him get Loki to his feet and walked out to the street with them. They disapeared into a flash of lightning and not an hour later a spear of light surrounded you. Bracing yourself, you closed your eyes and held your stomach. Nothing seemed to happen and you opened your eyes. A very tall man stood above you.

"Miss (Y/N), Thor is sending Lady Sif and the warriors three. He does not want anything happening to you. After a few minutes four specks started moving towards you from the end of the Bifrost. The four Asgardians introduced themselves and gave you a horse, which carried you to the castle. There were no formalities and you were swept away to where Loki was. He seemed better and tried to sit up when he saw you, but a woman in gold pushed him back down before turning to you.

"i understand you married my son in his loss of mind." You went into a minor shock before nodding and stepping closer to the bed.

"I can see he chose well. Warning on your child though. It may or may not have magic." 

"I know the risks. I was fully willing to take them as soon as I fell in love with Loki." She nodded and stepped out of the room.

"(Y/N)," Loki breathed. You quickly explained what had happened up until he sat up and kissed you. It didn't come as a surprise to you when he did this. Even as Tom he was spontaneous and sweet. 

"All I care is that you are safe as well as our child, I see." You nodded and made him lay back down. You sat by his bed for a bit before going to find Thor. You'd been in Asgard once before, when Loki was incarcerated. You quickly found his room and knocked carefully before waiting for an answer.

"Enter," Thor called. He was sitting inside speaking to the queen. 

"Um, I came to ask what exactly was chasing Loki? What was so dangerous that you had to bring me to Asgard?" He beckoned for you to sit down and you did, nervously playing with your wedding ring. 

"After he found out about his heritage some people wanted to get back at him. Although he is adopted he is in line for the throne after me and my father. These people are hostiles, but in the palace of the gods no one can get to him. Until we sort out this error you will have to live here." You nodded in understanding, although on the inside you were panicking. About the baby, about Loki, about earth, about the people trying to kill your family. 

"Don't worry, child. You will be taken care of and safe here. Although you are new, you will be excepted." You were shown to the room you would be staying until further notice and the messenger left you at the door. You went in and looked around. There was a large bed in the middle of the room, covered in gold and green blankets. To the side there was a golden cot and you moved towards it. A small mobile danced above and you smiled at it, imagining your child watching the lazily turning toy. 


"Loki!" someone called from the hall. You both jumped awake and heard the commotion. Fandral came flying through the door.

"They are attacking. (Y/N), you and Sylvi must go. Frigga is waiting with Jane and Eric in the throne room. Hurry!" Loki left, kissing you deeply before being whisked out of the room. You picked up your daughter and her golden rattle before running with a guard to the throne room. The five of you moved down to the dungeons. You all got inside Loki's old cell and Frigga put up extra walls and safety. Both babies were crying and above you could hear war raging. 


"(Y/N), Jane." A quiet voice spoke and you snapped awake making sure Sylvi was still carefully wrapped in your arms. Sif stood above you. 

"It has ended. The princes are waiting above." You both hurriedly made your way back to your rooms to finally see your husbands after days of fighting.


I hope that was okay. i could always add more (i might) As usual comment, vote, and share

Peace, Love, Spock

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