Andy Biersack {Requested} (fluff)

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For Galaxy_Jazzy


"Hey, (Y/N)! Your phone keeps ringing!" Someone called. You ran over to take it from them and manage to pick up before Andy tries again. The FaceTime shows the fact that you're both at very crowded New Years parties, but not even in the same country.


"Hi, bear." You'd taken up the nickname when you first met. You decided Biersack was too long.

"So, how's your house party?" He asked. You shuffled away from the crowd and locked yourself in a different room, avoiding as much other human contact as possible.

"Don't even talk about it," you hissed.

"That bad?" he grinned, pointing the camera so you can see the rooftop pool behind him. 

"Everyone's like 'Oh, how's your boyfriend' with this look on their face! I'm going to die," you whined.

"I told you. I wish I could bring you." You sighed and someone knocked on the door. You quickly shoved your phone into your pocket and opened the door. Your cousin was standing on the other side, a questioning look on his face.

"Just trying to escape the crowd," you said. He looked at your phone, which was lit up in your pants and nodded. 

"Yeah, if you want to continue escaping the crowd, my old bedroom is locked, but the key is behind the frame on the door." You smiled at him. He was one of the only people in your family who approved of your choices in life, which were questionable to say the least. You quickly did like he said, unlocking the door and then locking it behind you.

"Sorry, had to find a better place to talk," you said, fishing your phone out.

"Well I had a lovely time looking at your pocket lint," Andy sassed.

"Hey, i could be there with you!" you exclaimed. You heard someone gathering everyone to the TV to watch the ball drop in New York. Someone was tugging on Andy's arm, but he waved them off.

"Make sure you have a bottle of champagne on me," you said, smiling at your boyfriend. You missed him more than words could buy, but you kept it to yourself.

"I miss you," he whispered. People started counting down. You couldn't tell if it was downstairs or through the phone. You just kept smiling and Andy and he kept smiling at you. There was screaming and you practically sang 'Happy New Years' to Andy before kissing the phone camera. He smiled at you before hanging up and that was it. It felt kind of hollow to you, like you missed him too much, but it all washed away with some drinks. 

Someone drove you home at night, telling you to have a great new year and other bullshit. Of course you woke up with a massive headache and after taking some painkillers you settled on the couch to watch whatever was on. Three hours into your movie marathon, at five pm, a key rattled in the lock and Andy came tottering in. He looked sick and like he was going to throw up. Instead of asking why he was home early you helped him to the toilet so he could hurl and then you asked him.

"You looked really sad last night," he said sheepishly. You rolled your eyes and took his temperature before wrapping him in blankets and sitting him on the couch.

"Alright, we're having a few days in. My orders." 

"Not the doctor's?" 

"Nope. I do what I want."

"Good, because I'm too sick to go to the doctor's," he smirked, pulling his paler than normal self, which was saying something, next to you and kissing your cheek.

"Happy new years," you said, pushing him off you playfully. 

"I love you," he called from under all the blankets.

"Yeah, yeah."


Sorry for the shit imagine. I just watched the imitation game and Im still in shock acout it. literally my two heroes Benedict and Alan Turing *dies but in a good way*

Peace, Love, Spock

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