🖤💧 How Did You Get Here?

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Guys, Shipsrlife2 is a genius. She gave me this idea and I just HAD to write it. She's been on the recieving end of some of my post-TROS ranting and been such a good sport about it.


Valhalla, Almost Two Years after the Snap

603 days. 603 days since Loki had died. 603 days of peering into the living realm and watching family and friends fall into depressed slumps. Especially his beloved Olivia. He knew she felt guilty about that day, that she missed him more than words can describe.

One day, Loki peered to look at Olivia and she seemed more depressed than usual. She was writing something in a journal while she said what she was writing out loud, a habit she had developed. Loki knew it was because she hoped that he could hear her from Valhalla. He could hear what she was saying.

"368 days. It's been 368 days. That's how long it was after Loki fell from the Bifrost to when Odin called Thor and I in to inform us that he was alive. After today it will be the longest time I've had without him, thinking he was dead. Did I accept it then? No. Will I accept it now? Probably not. I pray to the Norns every day that someday, everything will be fixed. No one's heeded my calls yet, but I hope someday soon they will."

That day more than ever, Loki wished he could step out of the looking glass he used to observe her and embrace Olivia for the rest of time.

That's what Loki was thinking about when he was taking a walk along one of the lush, grassy plains that were all over Valhalla. Usually when new people dropped in, that's where they started. The field Loki arrived on was a few miles away (Valhalla was basically endless). Sometimes, when he took his walks, Loki would find a newly fallen someone, just as lost and confused as he was.

One time Loki specifically remembered was when a woman appeared, looking visibly shaken and confused. Listening to what the ethereal voice said (the voices were Valkyries that guarded Valhalla, their friend Val being one that spent more time on Asgard and in the living realms), she was a military woman who shielded a little boy from a bomb that was dropped nearby. The aftershock killed her, but it saved the boy's life so he could escape.

Loki approached the woman, eager to help her.

"So the old mythologies were true. After what happened in New York, I was still skeptical. But I guess Valhalla is real?" She said.

New York. Of course. Loki couldn't go one day without someone bringing up that accursed day. He brushed it off.

"Indeed it is. Do you by chance have family here?" He asked the woman.

"The voice thing said my Aunt should be here, but I don't know where." The woman said.

"It said just over the ridge, and past that little thicket of trees over there." Loki said, pointing in the general direction.

"Oh! Well, thank you. I suppose I should go. I'll see you, I guess?" The woman said uncertainly before leaving.

That was how something like that usually went.

Though, this time, when Loki spotted a man in the fields, looking lost and confused, there wasn't any ethereal Valkyrie voice to tell him where he was from or who he was. Curious, Loki went over to get a better look at the man.

His pale face was covered in cuts and bruises, the black hair that fell to just above his collarbone was dirty and knotted, falling over deep brown eyes. His clothes were all black, consisting of black knee high boots, black pants, and a sweater with rips and holes in it.

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