❤✨ One With the Reindeer

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I've had this idea for a while; it was one of the first ones I came up with when I was formulating this story.


When Carson and Olivia are left alone in the tower because the others are out going grocery shopping or whatever, what happens when Olivia gets a bright idea that may or may not prove to be quite embarrassing for Carson.

"I am BORED." Carson announced, sitting upside down on the couch in the lounge. His lilac covered head touching the floor, it almost looked like Olivia was sitting on an upside down chair, the cover of her book facing the wrong way as well, the red dragon on the cover glaring at him with it's matching color eye. Carson stared at the upside down gold text of the title, reading Eldest, kicking his legs up in the air.

"Then turn on Harry Potter or something." Olivia replied, not looking up from the book. "Besides, I'm almost done with this book and it's starting to escalate in intensity."

"One, there is not enough Hufflepuff representation in those movies, and two, that is always your excuse." Carson replied.

"Because you always catch me at the worst times. Now hold on a second (Warning: Spoilers for the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini ahead), Murtagh's letting Eragon go-" Olivia started before cutting herself off and staring at the page in shock. She blinked and looked like she was re-reading what she just read. She sat back for a moment in silence, before quietly bookmarking the page... and hurling the book across the room with incredible force with a yell.

"What the hell?! What happened? What did you do that for?" Carson asked. He went to pick up the book and opened it to where the bookmark was, miraculously still in place, on page 652. He read the first paragraphs, not knowing what was going on or who any of the characters were. But he could grasp the concept of what was going on.

Ah, so the main character is the son of some super bad dude. Yeah, that is probably traumatic. *spoiler alert over :)*Carson thought as he put the book on the coffee table and sat back down in a slumped way, an I'm-so-done-with-everyone look on his face. After Olivia had finished hyperventilating for a little while trying to process what she had just read, she stood up and grabbed the book.

"You going to keep going?" Carson asked.

"No. I'll finish in a little while. I need to have a processing time. Besides, I need to think of ways to smack Tony for showing me this series. He's got another thing coming when he and the others get back from shopping." Olivia said, the last part she said almost to herself.

"I am still bored, though." Carson said.

"Well, there has to be something to do..." Olivia said before brightening up. "I have an idea!"

"What is it?" Carson asked.

"This might be one of the few chances where it's just us in the tower and we might as well make use of it." Olivia said before grabbing Carson's wrist and pulling him up off of the couch. "Do you have your cell phone?"

"It's always on me, but why?" Carson asked, but Olivia gave no reply. She dragged him up the stairs to their bedroom floor.

"You know, unless you're with me, this might be classified as borderline insane." Olivia said, plowing right by her door and stopping at the door right next to hers. Carson knew who's door it was and almost turned around before Olivia grabbed his wrist.

"Are you NUTS?" Carson asked.

"You wanted something that wasn't boring, right? Besides, I said since you're with me, you're fine." Olivia replied.

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