Through the Grapevine

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Alastor got there in less than thirty minutes. He was in his usual attire but looking a bit more haggard than normal. I could tell he was worried by the way his smile faltered a bit when he stepped into the store. 

Gesturing around, I sighed, "This is why I called you. Someone did this and I need to find out who. The Sargent is about to have an aneurysm." As if to prove my point, the Sargent let out a storm of profanity in the back room, followed by something being smashed against the wall.

Chuckling, Alastor peered around at the wreckage, "It should be a crime to do this to books. I can put out some feelers and call a few friends. This seems to be the work of a disorganized individual." I let out a small sigh of relief. There was some chance we could find out who did this. 

"How long do you think that will take?" I asked, picking a shredded copy of 'The Seven People You Meet in Heaven' up off the ground. 

"It's hard to say," Alastor replied, watching me, "It could take a few days or a few weeks, depending on how fast information travels down the grapevine." I sighed, tossing the ruined book back on the ground. 

Sensing my impatience, Alastor placed a hand on my shoulder, "Come on, let's go get some coffee. Standing here isn't going to fix any of this."

Finding Love at the Happy Hotel | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now