Reasons We Fell

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Thanks to Alastor's help, I was able to snag a job working in a dusty little bookstore. The demon who ran it was a surprisingly kind elderly demon who walked with a limp that went by the name Sargent. When I asked him what had landed him in Hell, he told me he had been a Vietnam Vet.

"So you're in Hell killed people?" I asked as I was shelving an armful of books. 

"No," Sargent explained in the gruff tone he got when he talked about war, "I killed myself because I killed people. People don't understand what taking a life does to a person." I grimaced at his answer, fully aware of the situation. The general population and government treated Vietnam Vets like absolute dog shit. So many of them had wound up homeless because they could not assimilate into society. And a good chunk of them took there own lives because they were spurned by the country and people they had sworn to protect. If he hadn't turned the gun on himself, the Sargent very well could have ended up in Heaven or still might be alive. 

"What about you?" Sargent changed the subject, catching me off guard. 

Turning to look at him, I replied, "This is going to sound really, really dumb, but I pirated music."

Sargent raised an eyebrow, amused, "I'll be damned, no wonder Hell is overpopulated."

Finding Love at the Happy Hotel | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang