• fifty three •

Start from the beginning

Unconscious ... Pool of blood ... Head split open ... Not breathing ...

I became weak at the knees and lightheaded, starting to feel myself blacking out but Trey and Bey held me up before I could actually hit the ground.

"Sit sit sit." Bey said hurriedly as she and Trey guided me onto the sofa.

"This can't be true... It can't! I was just on the phone with her not even two hours ago, this has to be some kind of mistake!" I cried out. Bey pulled me close and held me as my body shook.

"Kelly I wish this was a lie, I really do, but it's not." Trey said. "They had already taken her body away by the time I got to the scene but I saw the blood with my own eyes."

"So- so what are you saying...? Are you trying to tell me my best friend is de-"

"We don't know. There's a lot we don't know right now. All I know is we really need to get to the hospital."

My head was spinning and I could feel my heart beating through my ears. The fact that I didn't even know if she was taken to the hospital in a body bag or not, the fact that she could either be in the emergency department or the morgue, the fact that she was even in this predicament in the first place, was eating me alive.

"You two go ahead, we got the kids. Keep us updated." Jay said.

Trey grabbed my hand to help me up then put his arm around me as he led me out the house and to the car while my tears blocked my vision.


We ran up to Kiyan and Chris as soon as we spotted them in the emergency room. I hugged them both as they sat there looking exactly how I felt inside: broken. Though I was relieved to know she wasn't dead at the scene, it didn't help the situation much. At the end of the day none of us knew her current condition which meant we had no idea if she was gonna make it.

"Any doctors came out yet?" Trey asked them, to which they both shook their heads no.

"The fucking ghetto." I said under my breath.

"This is all my fault." Kiyan spoke, his voice shaky. "I should've just stayed home. Coach told me to sit back and relax this weekend but my dumb ass wanted to go practice anyway. I didn't wanna let anyone down and now I let my mom down because I wasn't there. I could've saved her! This never would've happened if I just stayed home!"

"Come here, come here." I whispered, sitting down next to him and pulling him into my arms. "It is not your fault. This isn't something you could've prevented because you didn't know it was going to happen. I won't allow you to blame yourself for this. All we can do now is pray that she'll make it."

"What if... what if she doesn't?" he wept.

I looked up at Trey and Chris, feeling helpless. I didn't know what else to say to Kiyan because honestly, I didn't have enough information. I wanted to ask Chris for his version of what he saw when he got to the scene but figured now wasn't the time. Besides, he didn't look like he could speak at the moment with how frozen he was.

"Family of Alani Vazquez?" a doctor's voice called out. We all damn near bumped into each other while rushing over to her. Our nerves were clearly shot.

"Are you all related to her?" she asked.

"I'm her son." Kiyan replied.

"Well, you're the only one I can speak to. This is a family matter."

"Excuse me what?!" I exclaimed.


"She's the godmother of my fucking kids! Don't you dare stand here and try to tell me I'm not family!" I shouted in her face. Trey grabbed my waist and held me back.

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now