"I still don't get why you hang around a bunch of conformists." The thin one said. "Because I fucking can." "Look guys, she's talking to her own kind!" Cartman said.

"Fatass, I will fuck your shit up if you don't shut up." I threatened. "Translation: she's gonna fucking kill you." Kenny said. "Yeah. No one will be able to find your body when she's done with you." Stan sighs. "Yeah..." Kyle agreed.

"This is what I get for being friends with a murderer." Cartman sighed. "No, this is what you get for pissing off a murderer." I corrected him.

"Dude, you're cool. We should hang out sometime." The girl said. "Yeah. We should. You know where to find me." I said and we turned back to our own groups as the food came.

We ate and when we were done, I drove to the mall. "Why are we here?" "Because we can be." I said and fished deep in my bag for my wallet which had credit cards, cash, and store cards.

"Kay, let's go." I said and we got out and walked around the mall. We all bought a few things, mostly the boys got more clothes or shoes. Kenny dragged me into Charlotte Russe once to try to get me to try on some revealing clothes. I love C.R. actually, it's one of my favourite stores, but I refused to try on anything for him while our friends were here.

I got a pair of shoes though, black with spiked heels. I loved platform heels and pumps and shoes. Just shoes in general.

We stopped and got smoothies and ice cream for a snack as we walked around. I got a pineapple orange cherry smoothie that Kenny kept on sneaking sips of instead of his orange strawberry smoothie.

We passed a Hot Topic and I froze, went backwards and walked in. As I was looking through my homeland, the boys were wondering if they should follow me in or not.

Kenny went in and stood next to me as I looked at a black dress that caught my eye. Of course, the lingerie was right next to the dresses and skirts. "Kenny, choose one thing out and I'll buy it just for you." I said and he smiled widely. "One thing?" "Or one set. But choose wisely." I warned and kissed him softly and quickly biting his bottom lip.

"Woo hoo!" He cheered and I grinned. Stan, Kyle, and Cartman soon followed after. "Why is Kenny picking out underwear...? Nope. Never mind. I don't think I want to know..." Kyle said and I laughed, then a piano came over the speakers and everyone in the store, including me, froze.

"What's happening?" Stan asked. "I don't know. Sarah, what's going on?" Kyle asked and I shushed him. "I think it's the music, it's a certain song or tune that makes something happen to their type." Cartman said.

"When I was, a young boy, my father, took me into the city, to see a marching band. He said, 'son when, you grow up, would you be, the saviour of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?' He said, 'will you, defeat them, your demons, and all the non believers, the plans that they have made? Because one day, I'll leave you, a phantom, to lead you in the summer, to join the Black Parade!'" Gerard Way sang and everyone who knew started to cry softly and silently.

"Dude, what's happening?" Stan said and everyone shushed him. We stood their and cried until the song was over, then we wiped out faces and went back to what we were doing.

I looked at the eyeliners and got some more powder and bought those, the dress, and some batman lingerie Kenny picked out.

"What happened in there?" Kyle asked. "Huh?" I asked, confused. "When that song came on and everyone just stopped and cried?" Stan said. "Oh. That's a special song to us." I sighed. "Okay... Let's get lunch!" Cartman said and we went over to Red Robins for lunch.

After lunch, we drove around the town, bored as fuck, and did random crap. For dinner, we went over to mine and I cooked with Stan, cos Kenny didn't know how to cook, Cartman would eat everything, and Kyle didn't even know how to hold a knife. Thank God Stan knew what he was doing because I really needed help.

"What are we making?" "No clue. Just a bunch of random stuff. Start slicing up chicken and steak. Pass em over when you're done." I said and grabbed a knife, twirling it between my fingers and started dicing carrots and squash and chopping the broccoli.

I fried them up and found Stan watching in awe. "Where'd you learn to do that?" He asked and sliced the meat into perfect strips. I got another pan out and melted butter in it and grilled the chicken in that.

"Well, when you're left alone a lot, you get bored and you learn a lot of unnecessary stuff. Like I know a lot of stuff that normal people would never use in life anymore." I shrugged.

"Like what?" "I can move knifes around my hands and fingers quickly, I know cooking tricks and bar tending tricks. I can sew pretty well, I can also knit and crochet. You already know I'm killer at piano, I can sing a cappella, and I used to study psychology and alchemy." I shrugged.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded with an mmhmm. Once the chicken was grilled up, I put it in the pan with the veggies and seared the steak up nicely. Juicy, but not too juicy and with just enough blood.

I put it all in a pan and Stan stood back and watched as I put a sauce on it all and stirred it up, tasting and smelling as I went along. "Hand me some sea salt, please?" I said and he did so, and I cracked the sea salt for more flavour.

"There. I think it's just about perfect." I smiled and grabbed five large bowls and split it on each of the bowls and Stan and I carried them out.

"That smells great." Kyle complimented. "Thanks." Stan and I smiled. I watched as they ate and one by one, they looked up at me and Stan with wide eyes. "Dude!" Stan exclaimed and I smiled and blushed.

"Dude! This is amazing!" Kyle said. "You're cooking for me every night now." Cartman said. "No." "Why not?" "Because you're sexist. Stan helped me, after all." "All I did was cut up the shit. You cooked it all." He said. "Shut up."

"Seriously, this is good stuff. You should open up a restaurant or something." Kyle said. We all ate in silence until Kenny spoke up.

"You know what we could do? We should get a house. All of us, together. I mean, we're all best friends, we all have jobs and money, and we already do everything together, so why not just make it easier?" Kenny said and we sat and thought about it.

"That's actually a pretty good idea." Stan said and I agreed. "I'll have to get a job first, but I'm good with it." I said.

"Yeah great idea, but problem. None of us are legal yet. We're all only seventeen." Kyle said and we sighed in defeat. "Fine. When we're eighteen, then." Kenny said and we all agreed.

What a day.

Living In South Parkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें