Note To New Readers

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Hey, this is the author, nearly 2 years after I started this book. 

I just wanted to let y'all new readers know that, seeing as I started this story at age 13, the first few chapters aren't really the best, and are very dialogue heavy. It starts improving at around chapter 7 ish, and actually develops somewhat of a plot around chapter 9, I think. Though, I understand if you end up not wanting to stick with it, ~12,000 words of bad writing is a lot to have to read through.

Plus,  recently CompainionWinchester contacted me, who is going to be turning some of the chapters into cosplay episodes, which I am honestly super excited about. As soon as they finish and publish it, I'm going to be uploading a chapter with the link, so I can share it with everyone here too. I'm really touched by how much this story means to people like them.

If any of you want to contact me, please go to @newlineblue on Tumblr or Instagram, seeing as I'm admittedly not really active on here anymore.

Overall, my typical words of wisdom aren't really fitting for this situation, but anyways,  good luck and don't die

- Blue

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