Honestly, Hipster Restaurants Are Kinda Weird

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Remus sighed as he woke up on the hotel bed. Hotels, yes, were a lot nicer than the RV, but he's only been away for a bit longer than a week and he already missed his own bed. At least Sirius was right there next to him every morning, and unlike the cross-country trip they had taken so long ago, the two had the room and the king-sized bed all to themselves.

He looked outside at the curtains which were barely open. Snow fell down lazily, looking like the kind of snowfall that only happened in movies. Their hotel room had a view of downtown Montreal, which was somehow already bustling, despite it being so early in the morning.

"Hey, Sirius," he whispered to his boyfriend, trying to get his attention. His hair was tied up into a bun, so it didn't get tangled. Remus hadn't noticed it until he looked back at past photos, but Sirius' hair had grown insanely long over the past couple years.

Sirius mumbled incoherently in response.

"Sirius," Remus tried again.

He turned over to face Remus, "Yeah?" he muttered sleepily.

"Morning," Remus said, giving Sirius a soft kiss.

Sirius smiled, his eyes still closed, like he was in denial that night was not in fact over. "

"Wake up, idiots." Lily burst into the room, somehow already dressed and looking like she was ready. Her stomach was already starting to look much rounder, as she had passed the awkward phase where people can't tell if she's pregnant or just kind of chubby.

Remus looked up from behind Sirius, "What," he muttered sleepily. He glanced at the alarm clock which read 7:39. Why was Lily waking him up at seven in the morning, of all hours, exactly? The concert wasn't until seven, and they didn't have to be at the stadium until three.

"This looks like that one vine," James pointed out, standing right behind Lily.

"Wake up sleepy-head!" Peter quoted, who, was also awake at seven thirty for some reason.

"Okay, okay, we'll get up." Remus complained. The bed was too warm and the outside was too cold.

Sirius threw a pillow at the three of them, hoping that would deter them. The three closed the door and Sirius eventually crawled out of bed.

Remus followed behind him, grabbing a sweater and some jeans out of his suitcase. He probably should shower, but he was going to shower before the concert anyway, so, it would be a little pointless.

"Man, this is getting exhausting. I miss our house," Sirius complained. He was brushing his teeth while sitting on the countertop, still in the t-shirt he fell asleep in.

"Me too," Remus agreed. "Only five more months," he said with a bit of a yawn in his voice.

"That supposed to keep me optimistic?" Sirius asked.

Remus shrugged.

"Not helpful."

"Well, at least we're not stuck in the small car all the time like in the California trip." Remus pointed out.

Sirius nodded. "Damn, that trip was fun though," he agreed. "We're gonna have to stop by Anaheim on our way there, probably go to that amusement park you took us that one time, with the really good cotton candy."

Yellow- Wolfstar Bandmates/Muggle AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz