And It Was All Yellow

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June First. A date Remus has been both looking forward to and dreading for ages. It was their final concert, finally, and Remus just wanted to get to the music. If he was being honest, he stayed up too late last night and is now energy deprived. Hopefully the two cups of coffee he had an hour ago will start to kick in. Hopefully being the key word.

He loved the concerts, but honestly, the idea of being able to sleep in their own house tonight was the most amazing idea he could imagine. Remus knew everyone else was looking forward to being home again as well. Sirius wanted to catch up on Supernatural (naturally,) and Peter was waiting for a chance to bake since they left. And James wanted to see Lily again, who left a couple months ago, in order to not stress herself out too much.

One last concert. One last go. And then they were home again.

"Hey, Providence, how are we all doing tonight?" James yelled into the microphone after the deafening cheers have died down.

Almost everyone yelled good, while some individuals yelled "Gay!", which made Sirius laugh slightly. It was like their trademark now, "if you go to a Marauder's concert, you have to yell "Good!" when James asks how everyone's doing,"

"You all know why we chose today to wrap this tour up, right?" Sirius walked over and stole James' microphone. "Cause it's the first day of Pride Month!"

The audience cheered again. It felt even more enthusiastic than any other cheers he's heard in probably the whole tour. And Remus was slightly tempted to cheer along.

"See some of you sporting your own pride flags," James pointed out to the audience.

Another cheer as some people aggressively waved their flags. It was amazing, seeing how many people held them out in the air. The large stadium was like a sea of colors, all types of flags waved in the air. Flags of pinks and rainbows and purples and blues and Remus could swear he could see almost any flag that existed, waving around in the audience.

"Hey guys, watch this!" Sirius yelled, stealing the microphone once again. He snapped once, and four flags fluttered down from the ceiling.

One headed to James, black and white with a rainbow A, a straight ally flag. He may not be part of the community, but James has pretty much been one of their biggest allies, (plus it would have been weird if they hadn't had a flag for James.)

One drifted to Sirius, pink and yellow and blue. The pansexual pride flag. Sirius held onto it tightly and did a little spin, his eyes traced on it as he spun in a small circle.

One floated to Peter, black and gray and white and purple. The asexual pride flag, something Peter only recently discovered really suited him. He came out to everyone a few months ago, just before the tour began. The flag landed on his head, causing him to readjust it so it didn't get in his way.

And the familiar sight of a blue, purple, and pink flag landed in Remus' arms. He draped it over his shoulders like a cape.

"Guess we can all match now," Remus commented, and people in the audience chuckled. He usually didn't speak as much during concerts, but he couldn't help but do so.

"And, in honor of pride month, we'll be playing a fan favorite first," James said, and right on cue, Remus started strumming the first words to Never.

Yellow- Wolfstar Bandmates/Muggle AUWhere stories live. Discover now