How To Not Be Remus's Armrest 101

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I made a map detailing the trip. I will keep an updated version of this each chapter to give you a general idea of where they're at.

WARNING. THERE IS HOMOPHOBIA IN THIS CHAPTER. I WILL ALERT YOU WHEN IT OCCURS. (Not anything major, just someone being a judgmental ass. No slurs or anything, I can't bring myself to write that. I just want to warn you, in case if it affects you negatively.)

Remus woke up back in Sirius's old bedroom, the events of the evening before playing in his head. The room, Sirius's dead brother, all of it. He looked around the room he was staying in, and sighed. It was only 7:30, but the sun was too bright to fall back asleep. He kind of missed his old room, to be honest, at least he had curtains that actually blocked the light.

He rolled out of bed, and started heading down the three flights of tiled stairs. It was fancy and all, but the tile was freezing and Remus already had poor circulation, meaning his feet and hands were permanently cold. He kept one hand on the iron staircase, so he wouldn't slip, as that would be embarrassing, and probably deadly, considering that these are made of marble instead of the carpeted staircases he got used to walking up and down every day.

"Mornin' Remus." Sirius said, holding a glass bowl of cereal. Lily was laying on the couch, playing a DS. Remus assumed from that that James was still asleep. Remus looked outside the large archway windows that lined the back wall, out at the garden, complete with a fountain and everything. Remus wondered why Sirius chose to live with him and James and Peter when he could easily have this life, with maids that clean and take care of his every need.

Then again, it didn't seem like he got along that well with his parents. Constantly avoiding talking about his family, dropping hints they don't like him, and now the little brother situation that had just occurred. Maybe Sirius's history with his parents isn't perfect, probably far from it.

Remus walked over to the kitchen, admiring the marble countertops, almost exactly matching the floors. He looked around for the coffee machine, and once he found it, put a K-Cup in, grabbed a mug, then started running it, watching the coffee fall into the cup. He grabbed a fancy glass pitcher of creamer, and poured it into his coffee, and stirred it with a little stirring straw.

"Anyway, what should we do? It's hot as hell out and the one thing this place doesn't have is AC."

"Why wouldn't it have AC?" Remus asked, sipping his coffee. It was very good, still a little too bitter, as almost all coffee was for Remus, but it was good. Everything was just nicer here.

"House is considered historic. All my parents were allowed to add was an attic fan, and that doesn't help too much." Sirius said, in his usual "'Nuff said." voice that he gets when he's tired. Sirius set his bowl down, the metallic spoon making a clink as it hit the counter, and Sirius hopped up to join it.

Remus leaned against the cabinet, and looked around, at the cream walls and dark cabinets that surrounded him, and out the large windows over the perfect green lawn. He set his bowl in the sink, and started heading over to get dressed into clothes for the day, instead of his pajamas.


The five were walking around downtown, Lily with a camera slung over her shoulder, James with an arm around his new girlfriend's waist, Peter with a pair of sunglasses, and Sirius getting mad at Remus for his using the shorter guy as an armrest. He was short, what else was there to do, just not rest his arms in the perfect spot to?

"Remus, if I buy you a book, will you stop?" Sirius asked, trying to shake Remus' arm off of his hair.

"Maybe." Remus teased.

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