This Just In: These Two Fluffernutters Keep Being Too Adorable

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Remus sat on the stool at the checkout, watching people come through with their coffees and flip through books. His head was propped up by his hand, his scarf was thrown over the back of his chair, and an empty hot chocolate sat on the counter, with some girl's number he'd never call written on the lid.

"Hello, I'm looking to buy my boyfriend back," a familiar voice said. Remus looked up and saw Sirius, leaning on the counter, his hair in a ponytail and him smelling like coffee beans. His cheeks and nose were pink, likely from being out in the late November cold.

"Sirius, what are you doing here?" Remus asked, a little laugh in his tone. Sirius was supposed to be at work, but apparently not, evidenced by him standing here.

"I was bored," he admitted, with a shrug. "I got you a hot chocolate," He said, passing Remus a mug. Remus picked it up and smiled when he saw the writing on it say 'The world's best boyfriend,'

"You're the best," Remus said, and leaned over the counter to give Sirius a kiss.  Sirius happily obliged.

"Welp, time to go back to work, just wanted to say hi," Sirius stated, and started to turn around to head out of the line.

Remus smiled, "You didn't have to come here on your break," He stated before Sirius left. The fact that Sirius spent his break making Remus a hot coffee and driving across Aquidneck Island to Barnes and Noble was touching, but Remus didn't want it to feel like something Sirius was required to do.

"I wanted to though. Is it such a shame I wanted to say hello to my boyfriend?" Sirius asked. The answer, cheesy as it was, warmed Remus heart.

"Of course not," Remus responded. "Just be sure to not get fired." He took a sip of his new hot cocoa, creamy and the smallest hint of peppermint and vanilla, just how Remus liked it. A warm glow of happiness spread across his face.

"I'll be fine. See you later, Moons!" Sirius waved goodbye and started to leave. Remus gave him a friendly wave back.

"Was that your boyfriend?" A girl asks, buying a book. The Song Of Achilles was written in gold on the title, and Remus had a brief flashback to reading that same book when he was just starting to understand his sexuality. He did have a bit of a fictional crush on Achilles at the time, if he were to be honest.

Remus hadn't noticed the dreamy expression on his face, as he was still partially distracted by Sirius, "Yeah, why?" He asked, ringing up the book, which was $16.36.

"He's a keeper," She informed, and payed Remus with a twenty dollar bill.


A warm cup of ramen noodles sat on Remus' lap as he boredly flipped through the pages of a book. It was okay, just kind of slow and dull. Sirius was in the shower, James was at Lily's place, and Peter was hiding in his room, so reading a book with a stale plot was the best thing to do at the moment.

Sirius draped himself across the couch dramatically, wearing only a towel around his waist and his hair. "The shower's so cold, it's like bathing outside," he complained. His skin was still wet, and looked golden in the warm light of the fireplace. The smallest bit of chub sat at the bottom of his stomach from eating dinner, something that was quite adorable.

"Can't be that bad," Remus responds, looking up from the book he was secretly happy to put away, and resting the half-eaten bowl of ramen on the coffee table. Sirius was blue in the face, his teeth chattering rapidly. "Nevermind then." Remus pulled Sirius up onto him, making sure the towel didn't slip.

Sirius must've noticed that. "What, you don't want me to drop the towel?" He asked, a smirk written across his lips.

Remus felt his cheeks heating up, but it was probably just Sirius' breath on his face. "Not right now, Sirius, Peter's downstairs," He reminded. Between how close Sirius was and how undressed he was, it was a little strange for Remus.

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