Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Black Dog-Dog

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"Hey, Moony, you and Sirius are getting along pretty well, right?" James asked.

"Yeah," Remus responded. Nobody knew they were dating, but Remus did tend to stay up late with Sirius watching their Supernatural show and talking.

"What does he want for his birthday?" James asked, plopping down on the couch across from Remus.

"Well, you've known him longer than me," Remus pointed out.

"Yeah, but I'm absolute shit at gift-giving," He explained.

Remus thought of ideas that Sirius could want. He'd definitely like another leather jacket, but he has at least twelve by now. He has said he wanted a new guitar, but if Remus got one on Amazon it wouldn't arrive by tomorrow, which was Sirius' birthday. Remus tried to remember what else Sirius would have wanted.

Remus had a faint memory of back on the cross-country trip they made. Sirius was checking out a motorcycle that was sitting on the side of the road. Remus' memory was fuzzy, likely because he was half asleep at the time, but Sirius had said something like "Damn, I'd love one of those."

"What about a motorcycle?" Remus suggested.

"Where the hell are we going to get a motorcycle by tomorrow?" James asked.

Remus shrugged, and made the 'I don't know' sound. "Maybe find a car dealership but for motorcycles? Are motorcycle dealerships a thing?" He asked.

"You're the smart one, you'd know," James commented, and crunched down on a handful of chips.

"Well, we can always look on the internet," Remus guessed. He didn't know.

James walked over, and set a hand on Remus' shoulder. "You are a fucking genius, Moony."


And an hour later, they were driving up to Woonsocket, looking for some guy who was selling his motorcycle because his wife didn't want it or something.

They brought Peter along, and Lily, because might as well make it a road trip. And now, James and Lily were passionately debating on how to pronounce gif.

"It's jif!" Lily yelled, "The creator said so themselves!"

"It's gif!" James yelled back.

"Is your name James or Games?" Lily argued.

"If God himself told me it was pronounced jif, I'd just say 'Okay, thanks Jod' and face eternal damnation!" James argued.

"You're an atheist, James!" Lily pointed out.

Remus felt like the irritated parent on road trips. If you two don't stop right now, then I will turn this car around, he thought to himself, and snickered a little.

"Point still stands," James argued.

Peter sighed, and grabbed his phone. "Is it pronounced gif or jif?" He asked Siri.

"Search the web for 'Is it pronounced gif or jif?" His phone stated back.

"Siri if I wanted you to search the web I would have searched it myself," Peter said saltily back.

"Sorry," His phone responded.

Remus sighed. He only got three hours of sleep the night before since he and Sirius were watching conspiracy theories all night, that and Remus had an existential crisis due to said conspiracy theories. He was certainly not in the mood for everyone to be yelling.

Yellow- Wolfstar Bandmates/Muggle AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang