Guess What? More Of My Favorite: Moments™ In The Living Room!

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Remus tried to pace his breathing, but his mind was running a million thoughts per second. He should have known this was going to happen. He should have covered it up more. He shouldn't have been so public with his affection. He should have done so many things differently.

"We'll figure this out, Remus," Peter placed a comforting hand on Remus' shoulder, trying to calm him.

Remus sighed. He didn't want to cause a scene, but it was all he could think about. Everyone knew. Everyone knew. Everyone knew. They wouldn't be left alone now. He clicked the power button on his phone on and off, which was safely hidden in his jacket's pocket, just to give his hands something to do.

"You want to head home, bud? You look pretty shaken up." James asked.

"It's fine, you guys wanted food. We can deal with this when we get home." Remus denied. Everyone was hungry, and the ride home would be at least two to three hours due to traffic.

"We can just grab some Burger King or something on the way home," Peter offered.

"No, I'm fine," Remus stated. He tried his best to steady himself.

"Marauders, party of four?" A voice called. James stood up, and the waiter lead the four of them to their table.

It was a booth, next to a window, which had the most lovely view of a brick wall. Remus slid into one side of the booth, followed by Sirius.

"So, any ideas for the next album?" Peter asked.

Remus knew that Peter was trying to distract him from the article. But any distraction is welcome, "Actually, yeah, I'm working on lyrics for a new song," he stated.

There was a beat of silence. Sirius tapped his silverware on the table, " have anything so far?" he questioned, keeping the conversation up.

The drinks were set down on the table, and Peter lunged for his, slurping down half of it in one gulp.

"I have one lyric stuck in my head and three words I want to use elsewhere. You know how I write lyrics, it's all over the place and chaotic," Remus said. "The lyric I have so far is 'And I swear to you I'll always remember,' in case you're curious."

"Huh, is it about you two?" James asked in a sing-songy voice, like a kid teasing his friend about a crush.

"No, I'm cheating on Sirius with your girlfriend," Remus responded wearing a completely straight face.

James widened his eyes too dramatically to not be staged. Sirius put a hand up to his chest, acting offended, "Moony!"

Remus stirred his drink, still completely full of soda.

Sirius watched as the breadsticks were dropped off at the table next to them. The people at that table were still in the bathroom. He had a smirk on his face like he was about to do something stupid. But to be fair, he probably was. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Sirius asked the group.

Remus sighed. "Sirius, no," he scolded.

"Why not?" Sirius asked. He pouted, "Let me have fun."

"There's a waiter right over there," Remus said, pointing to somebody walking by, "Wait until he's gone."

The waiter passed by, carrying a plate of salad. "Now go," he instructed.

Sirius smirked as he slid out of the booth, snatching the basket of breadsticks. He snuck back over, and just in time, as the people from that table were just about to sit down. Everyone at the table cheered as he sat back down, applauding Sirius.

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