F I F T Y - N I N E

Start from the beginning

"Amy can you call the boys in so they can shower and get dressed" Carmen requests.

Silently Amy pushes off my bed and leaves my room to go do exactly that.

"Speaking of Ryan are you just like going to ignore all his messages?" Carmen questions me.

"Until I talk to Ethan yes, yes I will" I answer without hesitation.

"And when will you be talking to Ethan?"

"I-" I think about it "I don't- I don't know"

"You're doing great sweetie" Carmen gives me a thumbs-up as she exits my room.

"I know that was sarcasm" I yelled after her.

"I wasn't trying to hide it"



All of us girls and Liam were dressed and waiting on Ethan, Grayson, and Manny to come down. Ever since Grayson came over it's as if he and Manny cannot be separated I'm starting to think he may like Grayson more than he does Evan because he hasn't even asked about him or spoken about him since Grayson came. It's not like I blame him I'd like Grayson more than Evan too and I do.

They've actually been up there for a long time, they're taking longer than we did and we're the girls. Then again we have been sitting here for a while because apparently, the boys weren't outside when Amy went to go get them, they went to the store at some point. When they returned they had four different bags and "don't worry about it" when we asked what was inside.

Finally after what felt like five hours a door opened upstairs and heavy footsteps came down the step, revealing a cheesing Ethan.

"You guys ready?" he says rubbing his hands together with a wide smile.

"Yes we're ready, we were waiting for you three" Carmen groans throwing her head back.

"That's not what I meant but guys come down" Ethan shouts.

With all of our curiosity peaked we waited for Grayson and Manny to come down. They came out together Manny was on Grayson's shoulders. The first thing I noticed Manny's hair. It was parted to the side just like Graysons, then as I examined him more I noticed the matching clothes, similar tattoos, and matching shoes. Manny had become a miniature Grayson (with freckles).

"Noooooo" Sophie cried "You're ruining it, you've ruined it how am I supposed to look at you the same? Every time I look at you I'm going to think Manny" she cried into a pillow.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Cousin?" I sound out.

"He's me" Grayson smiles.

"I'm him" Manny giggles holding onto Grayson's head. "Look" he wiggles his head showing off the wing earring dangling from his ear.

"You guys got his ears pierced?!" Carmen, Amy and I yell at Ethan and Grayson.

The boys' eyes grew wide from us shouting at them and Ethan slightly flinched.

"Jeez, no, it's a clip on" Ethan explains.

"Look at my tattoos" Manny tries to kick his leg up.

"I see, you look adorable" I compliment him.

"You think Grayson is adorable?" Manny scrunches up his face in a mixture of confusion and disgust.

"No, but-"

"But I look like Grayson so if I look adorable then you think Grayson looks adorable" Manny goes on.

"That's not what I-"

"Ouch, so you don't think I'm adorable Allison?" Graysons acts hurt.

"You know what everyone outside, let's go" I stand up and storm to the door holding it open for everyone.

"I wanna ride with Grayson" Manny bounces.

"You do that" I pat him as they pass me.

"Girls in one car, boys in the other" Carmen announces as she leaves the house taking my keys with her, followed by Amy who had Liam and his diaper bag in hand. It appears she's taken a liking to Liam the same as Manny has to Grayson.

"So you think my brother is adorable Ali?" Ethan taunts me as he begins to leave.

"Hardy har har" I fake smile and start to leave too.

"Oh" Ethan stops short making me bump into him "I forgot my phone upstairs" he goes back in the house and it dawns on me that I didn't have mine either.

"Oou can you grab mine too it's in my room?" I request.

"Sure" he shouts over his shoulder as he jogs upstairs and I go to my car.

Ethan's POV:

I grabbed my phone off the bed in the guest room and go Ali's room, I saw her phone right there on her vanity as soon as I walked in and unconnected it from the charger and headed out.

As I started walking downstairs Ali's phone began to ring, "Bestie" was shining on the FaceTime call which meant it could only be Carmen or maybe Amy so I swiped to answer.

"Yes, Carmen" I assumed "I found her-" I stopped talking when I saw it was not Carmen or Amy looking back at me.

"Yeah, so I'm not Carmen" Ryan smiled at me.

I didn't know what to say or how to feel, the only reaction I was able to come up with ways to hang up which I did, immediately. That's impossible, I told myself. There's no way that was Ryan on the phone. Ryan the guy's number I had her block and delete. The guy she's supposed to stay away from. So as soon we break up she went back to Ryan, re-entered his number and saved it as "bestie" to try to hide it. She was trying to hide it. I guess there's something to hide. My heart actually felt as if it had been punched.

I don't know if I even want to go out anymore. I feel sick. I just want to go home. I don't think I can handle being around her and everyone else right now.

After I choked down vomit and recomposed myself I resumed walking out the house.

Allison's POV:

Ethan was in the house for a while, longer than he should have to grab phones and when he came out he had a sour look on his face. He came to my window and handed me my phone without saying a word and with his eyes on the ground.

"You okay?" I ask him.

His jaw clenched "No, I don't feel good" he said and walked away.

A/N: I know I've been gone for a while, I apologize I'm going to try and be more consistent and active like I used to be. Is it just me or does this chapter seem I don't know eh.

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