F I F T Y - F I V E

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(TRIGGER WARNING: There may be a part in this chapter that might trigger some emotions out of some people in this chapter but can we all just remember that it's a fricking joke and not feel insulted about it. Honestly, I hate all the over-sensitive people of 2019, people and their sensitivity are so annoying. But I don't care because it's my story so if I want to say it, I'm going to say and I said it so I'm leaving it there. I don't feel like I need to say what it is I'm pretty sure when you get to the part you'll know what I'm talking about. And I swear to god if I see a comment like "oH mY gOd tHaT's So OfFeNsIvE", "wHaT's WrOnG wItH tHaT?" I will respond with some fucked up shit or I will just delete your comment. I don't want to read it.....ANYWAYYYY make sure you make the gray star in the right-hand corner orange, leave a few NON OVERLY SENSITIVE comments and enjoy :) )

"What do you guys think Ethan is doing?" I ask aloud to Carmen, Amy, and Sophie as we sat on the edge of the pool with our feet floating in the water.

"Look through his window and see" Carmen suggests.

"Shut up" I chuckle.

"Probably jerking off" Amy inputs earning a burst of laughter from all of us.

"You've asked five times in three minutes. Instead of asking us, the people who have no idea how about you ask Ethan" Sophie gasps as if it were the easiest of things.

"Because he dumped me" I splash water on her.

Sophie flinches "You got me wet"

Amy snorts "That's what she said" Amy starts snickering at herself and covers her mouth to muffle herself.

"I thought you dumped him" she splashes me back.

I shrug and sit there accepting she splashed me back, not bothering to fight. Do you know that saying "what goes around, goes around"? Yeah well, that is clearly very true. At least for me, it is. I broke with Ethan and then Ethan dumped me. I splashed Sophie then Sophie splashed me. Instant karma, that's what I get.

"They dumped each other" Carmen talks to me "And since Ethan somehow managed to turn Ali back into a simp, she's sad about it," she adds.

I mean she's not wrong but she's not right either. Dumped. That is the word I would use for this situation. Not sad. Dumped. I'm feeling how I should be after being dumped. I refuse to use any other word because Ethan didn't just break up with me, we're not "taking a break", he dumped me.

We've been sitting out here for an hour or two, talking, sitting in silence, mainly we were waiting for Brayden to call Sophie. He said he would FaceTime her after he got out of football practice.

It must be nice.

Ryan's been texting me but I haven't been in the mood to answer him. Should I feel bad about that? It's not like he did anything wrong, it's just that I don't want to talk to anyone of the male gender that isn't Ethan. Even though I want to text Ethan I'm scared to. He might leave me on read or he might ignore it altogether. I know he didn't block my number though, he's not a blocker.

"Shit he's calling" Sophie jumps when her phone starts ringing, showing Brayden's name, almost dropping her phone in the water.

"Sit still and answer it" Carmen holds Sophie by her shoulders.

Sophie stares at Carmen "Okay"

She blows air out her mouth and clicks the accept button.

"Hey, idiot" Bryaden smiles at the screen.

"Hi stupid" Sophie gushes.

Carmen and I look up at each other with smiles and wide eyes, both of us were thinking the same thing.

Late Nights-E.G.DWhere stories live. Discover now