S I X T Y - S E V E N

564 15 13

Ethan's POV:

I'm running out of time and the hole keeps getting bigger. Angelina won't leave me the fuck alone, she's been texting me every day counting down, being a pain in my ass. I'd rather eat dairy than deal with this witch. Grayson hasn't been any help either, in fact, he's been quite the opposite and even siding with Devilina. I know that I have to tell Ali about the bet, just like she told me about her game but I've drug it on for so long that I don't know if she's going to be as forgiving. It's not that I don't want to tell her, it's just that I don't know how to explain myself.

Ali's birthday is in two weeks and I can physically feel Angelina closing in on me. One thing I can say that I'm really grateful for is Ali being grounded and her parents sending his little cousins to watch her because this keeps her out of school which is a battlefield right now. Every time that frog, as Ali once put it, sees me she hops right over and taunts me.

"Still hiding her away I see" she'd cut me off while I was walking

"How are you and Allison? Trouble in paradise yet?" she'd wink

God, she's so fucking annoying. I glanced up from my textbook at the back of Angelina's head, I wasn't even looking at her for two seconds before she turned her head to face me.

"What? Do you have eyes in the back of your head or something?" I sneered.

"Yeah, I do" she shot me a cocky smile.

"I'm not surprised, most wretched creatures usually do" I copied her crooked smile.

Angelina rolled her eyes "Y'know I love it when you pick on me"

The bell rang just as I began to fix my mouth to say something back to her, a deep breath of relief came out of me and I immediately closed the textbook and shoved my notebook in my backpack. I couldn't wait to get out of this class and away from Angelina.

Gray was coming down the hallway to my class when I stepped out. I went straight to him pushing his shoulder so he'd switch his direction.

"Why are we going this way?" Gray questioned it but walked with me.

"She's fucking killing me" we cut through the gym to the cafeteria to avoid Angelina.

"She's just trying to get you to own up to your shit" Grayson took her side again.

"Jesus would you stop siding with that she-devil" I pleaded.

Grayson laughed "I'm not on Angelina's side, I'm on Ali's"

We walked through the side doors in the gym putting us on the side of the cafeteria next to the lunch line, which made it really easy for us to slide in the line without being noticed. Normally we wouldn't be in the lunch line because we always bring something to school or buy something but today I'm trying to avoid Angelina.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked as I scanned the room.

"It means that every time I talk to Ali I feel like I'm spitting in her face" Grayson watched me scanning "Dude can we go now? She's not in here"

"Yeah" we stepped out of line and headed for our table against the wall in the back of the cafeteria and took our seats. "I mean Gray, you do spit sometimes when you talk, maybe you really are spitting in her face."

"Oh really? Oh really?" he forced laughter and shoved my shoulder. "Dick"

I laughed "Stop shoving me bro"

Grayson shoved me one last night before pulling a brown bag out of his backpack "I'm serious, she'd want me to tell her if I knew, and I know"

I unpacked my lunch with him " I know it's fucked man" I pulled the thin foil sealing off the honey mustard container and dipped my fry in.

Late Nights-E.G.DWhere stories live. Discover now