F I F T Y - N I N E

Start from the beginning

"Grayson's in danger," I say.

"Oh yeah very much so" Carmen seconds.

I began to fold the blanket and swiped the pillow that I threw off the couch and went to the hall closest to put them in their correct spots. I was going to go back downstairs but my breath said otherwise. Amy was already in m room also getting dressed, this so normal I didn't even really acknowledge her being in only underwear and bra.

"Oou ass," I say as I slap it.

Amy squeals and covers it "There is no ass just bones, you have ass" she huffs

I laugh "Mhm, titties" I scream and squish hers.

"I-" Amy cuts herself short and squeezes mine too "And thighs," she says before slapping mine.

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" Carmen stood in my doorway.

"We're sexually assaulting each other, what does it look like?" I turn to her "Shut the door too" I tell her as I began to remove my shirt to get in the shower.

"Whooooores" Carmen sings as she comes further in my room, shutting the door behind her.


After I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth while Carmen sat on the toilet just watching TikToks which reminded me that I haven't seen my phone in a while due to the fact that I was worried about being on it. I don't even remember where I put it last.

"Red" Carmen says out of nowhere as I combed out my hair.

"Red?" I repeat.

"Yea wear red bottoms," she tells me "I'm wearing black ones which means you wear a black top and I wear a red one"

"Oh we're color coordinating, got it"

"Amy is wearing black ones too since it seems you're the only one that owns red bottoms and she's wearing a red top too, so we're twining and you're coordinating with us"

"Why can't I just twin with you guys?"

"Because that's not twining that tripling and that just sounds stupid" Carmen huffs and exits the bathroom.

As I laughed at her Amy poked her in the bathroom, grabbing a hair tie off the sink counter "It sounds stupid" she mocked her making me laugh some more.

"Both of you shut up and Allison you put this on" Carmen tosses my red jean skirt and black crop top spaghetti strap shirt.

I had to drop my brush to catch the items which resulted in it bouncing off the counter and landing on my foot.

"Ow, fuck" I whine and left it.

"Pffft" Carmen stifles her laugh.

"Where are we even going?" I ask her as I hop out the bathroom and plop on my bed beginning to dress myself.

"I don't know yet but we're going somewhere, all I know is that I don't want to stay inside" Carmen answers me as she looks through my shoes.


"Because it's boring," she and Amy say together.

"Okay then" I decided to keep my mouth shut and just listening would be the best bet right now.

"Also dumbass you're phone is right there charging" Carmen points to my vanity "Since you act like you don't care for it anymore"

"Because I kinda don't at the moment," I say as I flip my hair free from my shirt.

"I know, Ryan," Carmen says and tosses my white and red sneakers at my feet.

I swiped my shoes off the floor and took them to my vanity with me stuffing my feet into them as I started to pull my hair back into a high ponytail and started on my daily makeup look.

Late Nights-E.G.DWhere stories live. Discover now