Chapter 74

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Skylar's POV:


I was so incredibly wrong.

As I'm staring up at the ceiling of my bathroom, I'm begging the tears to stop falling. It feels like they haven't stopped since that horrific phone call with Dylan. How could he do this to me? Yet again? He got the upper hand, just like he always has.

A soft almost timid knock on the door brings me down to earth before it opens, "hey sweetie." aunt Jenny says with a smile, "I don't want to ruin your night more but your father will be here in about twenty minutes."


Just the cherry on top type of thing I need, "is Anne and them coming?"

I've never met Anne personally, she's some relative from one of aunt Jenny's marriages, "no. They're car still won't start and triple A won't be to them for another two hours."

Great, so that means father can turn his spotlight right on me for the whole night, "any chance of backing out?" My voice cracks and I hate how weak I feel.

"Oh sweetie, I hate seeing you like this. Did you try calling Dylan again?"

She pushes my hair from my shoulder and wipes a stray tear from my cheek, "it's no use, it goes to voicemail every time." I sound so pathetic.

"Well, if you ask me you need to give that boy the cold shoulder. He is being a massive dick right now." She attempts to make me feel better, "come on, finish getting ready. Your father will be here soon and Brenton and Shawn are waiting for you."

Nodding in response she leaves me alone and for the next twenty minutes I attempt to cover over my dark under eye circles and mask my red blotchy cheeks. When I hear a car pull up I know my father is here and I have no time left. Looking at myself in the mirror, this is as good as it'll get. I'm wearing my white skinny jeans with a black turtleneck tucked in and a pair of my aunts black high heels. My hair falls in loose curls down my shoulders and well, I tried with my makeup.

Taking a steadying breath I check my phone to see nothing from Dylan and decide it's time to head down stairs to give my father the chance to kick me while I'm down.

"There she is!" Brenton envelops me in a tight bear hug the moment I step foot into the dining room, where there is a massive variety of food spread across my aunts oak dining table. Shawn really out did himself, "you look absolutely gorgeous!" He exclaims while taking my hand and twirling me around.

I can't help but giggle, Brenton always has a way to make me smile, "thanks Brenton." I hug him back.

"Be strong, you got this." He whispers before kissing my cheek.

Behind him I catch sight of my father. It's only been a few months and it seems like he's a stranger to me. His dark hair is speckled with some white strands and his stark blue eyes that match mine are still lined by small laugh lines when he speaks. My heart thumps in my chest, "hey dad." I walk over to him and give him an awkward hug.

"Skylar," he pulls back eyeing my appearance, "Don't you think you should finish getting dressed for dinner."

It's not a question, he knows I'm dressed. He also knows I hate dresses and why, he just wants to make it a point to remind me of what a disappointment I am, "leave her alone John she looks stunning. Now come get a drink with me." My aunt saves the day and pulls him into the kitchen just as Shawn walks out.

"Wow, Skylar you look incredible." His lips pull into a shy smile. 

He's much more dressed up than he has been all week. Wearing all black, from the fitted button down shirt to the fitted dress pants and slim tie, his hair is styled perfectly. The man looks like he just stepped off the cover of GQ Magazine.

Addicted (Dylan O'Brien)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن