Chapter 11

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I can't stop fidgeting in the seat as Dylan and I drive in silence, each passing mile putting more and more distance between us and the campus. Tonight is nothing what I expected it too be, first running into Dylan and him offering me a ride, second him and I actually getting along and third me going on some sort of mystery ride with him at the wheel. No, tonight is anything but expected.

A few minutes ago he had turned the radio on, soft rock music filling the quiet spaces between us. Knowing what little I do about him, I half expected him to listen to some sort of heavy metal-head banging music. When I pointed this out, he simply shook his head saying 'of course you did' with a small smile telling me he wasn't offended.

This is crazy, I hardly know Dylan and what I do know about him I don't like. Yet here I am going on some car ride with him when I should be back in my dorm getting ready for bed. I'm insane, that's the only logical answer to this. This boy has done nothing but play mind games with me, and here I am alone with him. I laugh at the irony of the situation.

"What's so funny?"

The sudden break in the quiet between us startles me, "Nothing, just thinking."

"About what?" he steals a quick look at me before taking a turn down a suburb neighborhood.

"Nothing, really. I just made myself laugh."

"Well maybe I want to laugh too."

This makes me laugh, he keeps pushing for me to talk. Fine, lets talk. I turn towards him getting a better look at him, his messy dark hair falling over his forehead, dark eyes that have stolen a look at me at every stop sign. I want to so badly reach over and run my fingers through his dark thick hair, but I know that is a line that I wasn't ready to cross, nor should I.

"Do you see anything funny about this situation?" I ask him.

His brows crease, "Situation?" he looks confused, "You mean you and I taking a late night drive?" he confirms.

"Yes, exactly that."

"That's what your laughing about over that?" there's the slightest smile on his lips. He's probably loving that fact that I'm thinking about him. If that's the case, he'd probably die if he know just how often he was on my mind.

"Kinda," I rethink that, "Yes."

"Care to share what's so funny. We're just driving around the town."

"We hate each other." I say point blank.

Dylan looks at me with curious eyes that seem hurt, "We do?"

Where has he been, "I've known you all of two weeks and you have found every single opportunity to either insult me or to mock me. You play these h-horrible mind games with me. I barely talk to you, and you act as though I've assaulted your whole family. You have managed to confuse me too no end, you-you cuddle me one night and t-the next thing I know you're tr-treating me like dirt again. And th-then in the parking lot the other day...."

I trail off, feeling myself loosing self control as the images of him and Olivia rush to my mind and I can't handle those right now. I draw in a breath turning away from Dylan, I was allowing myself too loose control over Dylan. I have things I want to say to him, things I've only imagined saying to him, and this may be my only chance.

"Y-you show up all the time when I try to s-stay as far away from you as possible, because I know you're a bad idea. Yet here I am driving around with you when I should of never gotten in your jeep." I say boldly though I've stuttered while my hands shake nervously in my lap.

I wait for him to say something, anything really, but he remains silent next to me. This only makes me want to escape him that much more. His brows are creased, and he looks lost in deep thought as we drive on. I want him to say something, or even kick me out, anything. Feeling extremely small suddenly, I should of known it would of been of no use to try to explain this, whatever this is, to Dylan. It was probably just his way of messing with me today.

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