Chapter 17

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I jump from the stool startled by the sudden call of my name. Erica stands in the doorway hand on her hip. From the look of annoyance on her face, she called my name more than once. I was just to busy lost in my day dream to realize it.


"Jeanie said we can clock out early." she informs me.

It was half hour till closing, despite what the rest of the week has been like, today was steady all afternoon then died down a few hours before closing.

"You leaving?" I asked her as I take my apron off and hang it up on the coat rack.

Erica shrugs, "I'll probably close up show with her. Then catch a ride back with her to my place."

"Do you need me?"

"No, we're use to just the two of us." she gives me an easy smile, "We got along just fine before you Skylar." she teases me.

"I'm not too sure about that."

I walk out into the dinning area and find Jeanie wiping down the last few tables, "Hey. It's alright if I clock out early?" I ask, just to be sure.

She pushes back the loose curl that have fallen from her pony tail, "Yeah. That's fine." she looks around, "Do you have a ride?"

I shake my head no, "I'll be fine though. It's an easy walk." I assure her.

She gives me a narrowed gaze, "Still it's late, and there is always creeps walking around. Tell you what, text me when you reach your dorm so I'll sleep better tonight."

I agree and grab my sweater. The days are still hot but the nights have cooled considerably in the last few weeks. Tonight is just like all the other nights that I've walked home, cool, dark and lonely. I have only called Cher once to come and pick me up and that was a mistake. She wasn't too happy that I made her leave some party to pick me up. It also didn't help that I made her bring me back to the dorms before going back to the party. So calling her wasn't an option for me.

At least tonight isn't as cold as usual, and most of the shops are already closed or are closing up. I've waved to all the owners so they've come to know me pretty well. Tonight though, I just let my mind wander like it has been all afternoon at work.

I only stayed with Dylan for a few hours this morning, and most of that time was spent in a heated tangle of skin and clothing. My body still tingled from the thought of his touch, my heart raced when I imagined his kiss all over again. I couldn't erase it, but instead I let it play on a constant lope in my mind. It was only a kiss, but it wasn't. My entire body had caught on fire, my mind turned into a cloud floating from everything around us, and I was desperate for more. The kiss was anything but just a kiss.  I could feel it deep in my core, it rattled me, and when Dylan looked down at me I knew he felt it too. Completely breathless, watching Dylan above me, I have never felt so alive before.

I can't help the giddy smile on my lips and the warm flush in my cheeks thinking about the events of earlier. How he kept pulling me in for more, the low groans he would make when I tugged on his hair, the warmth spreading around my body from his touch. It's only been a few hours since I've left Dylan, but I'm already missing his presence.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when my phone begins to vibrate uncontrollably in my pocket. I pull it out to see a number I didn't know appearing on the screen. Debating for a minute, I finally answer it,


"Where the fuck are you?"

Immediately I recognize the angry voice belonging to Dylan and the hair of my arms stand at attention.

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