Chapter 4

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Well I have to admit, this campus is much larger than I remember. It's taken me at least an hour just to walk from one end of the campus to the other, and most of the day has been spent checking out all of my classes. My feet are sore, my calves are cramped and my hair looks like a rats nest. Besides being sore and tired the campus is absolutely beautiful. Almost every dorm housing has it's own private court yard, there's four large cafes with both inside and outside seating areas and there's even a public botanical garden for the students.

When I reach my floor of the dorms I can hear the loud pounding of heavy music coming from one of the rooms irritating my headache further. As I near my door I  sadly realize, the music has only gotten louder and is in fact coming from my dorm.

I groan under my breath, knowing that my peaceful evening is not going to happen. Trying my best not to look to disappointed I walk into my room to see Cher and Logan sitting on her bed and Dylan on my bed. Wow this just keeps getting better.

None of them seem to notice my arrival as I shut the door, "Cher!" I shout over the music.

"Oh hey!" she seems happy to see me as she crawls over Logan to turn down her stereo. A slight ringing is left in my ear but I'm happy the music is lowered.

"Isn't there a noise limit policy?" I ask her.

She shrugs her shoulders, "Probably, I've never had a complaint about my music yet so I guess it's not a problem." she said obliviously, still laying over Logan's out stretched legs.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Dylan's eyes on me. I haven't seen him since the 'pajama' incident and I have done a decent job of blocking him and those eyes of his from my mind. But right now, alls I can seem too think about is the strange way his eyes darkened when he looked at me and it makes me feel wound up all over again.

"Can I help you?" I snap unexpectedly at Dylan, unnerved that he is still staring at me.

Cher looks between us confused while Logan completely ignores the building situation. Ignoring my question, he continues to stare at me only now he wears a cocky smirk. He knows he's getting under my skin and he's loving every moment.

"Did you not hear me?" I say taking a bold step towards my bed.

He relaxes back, his hands tucked behind his head. "Nope, I'm perfectly fine. But thanks for asking."

My agitation heightens now, "Well I'm so happy your comfy on my bed." I say sarcastically, emphasizing the point though I'm sure he already knows that.

"I think it could be a bit more comfy though."

"Then why don't you get off of it!" I want to so badly to smack that cocky grin off his face.

He simply shakes his head ignoring me and it's then I notice his perfectly messy hair side tracking me momentarily. I swear if he wasn't so damn cocky and a jerk, I'd might actually be attracted to him.

I stomp over to him and take his legs throwing them from my bed. His eyes widen in surprised, good I have his attention now, "I said get off my bed." I speak slowly.

He narrows his eyes at me and he sits up, his face coming inches from mine and I have to force myself not to look at his eyes but between them. I know, in the back of my mind, that if I do look at them I just might give into him.

"What the fuck is your problem?" he speaks lowly, his voice deep and steady which surprises me.

I hold my ground, "I don't want you on my bed."

"I don't fucking care."

"You are such a jerk!" I shriek at him, reaching my wits end quickly with him.

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