Chapter 16

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I jolt awake from my dream, I was running down a long dark trail and though I couldn't see him in front of me I know I was running after Dylan. Where we were or where we were going I had no idea. I blink the sleep from my eyes and I have no idea where I am.

I'm in a large bed, surrounded by blankets that aren't mine. I look to my left, where Cher's things should be, instead there's a large dresser and a closet. My heart begins to panic, I'm not in my dorm. I blink again but I'm still in this unknown place, and I have no idea how I got here.

"Hello?" I call out in my confusion.

How did I get here? I sit up and look around. The room is open, it's one of those weird loft apartments... I think. There isn't much in the room, except the dresser and a desk. The strange thing, besides waking up in a strange apartment, is there is a punching bag hanging from the ceiling in the corner of the room.

I hear footsteps below and my pulse quickens, "Hello?" I call again.

They're coming up the stairs and I take a breath of relief when I see the disheveled dark hair I've come to know so well. It's Dylan... Dylan?

"When did you wake up?" he asks when he reaches the top of the stairs and leans against the railing, the only thing keeping him from falling to the floor below us.

I blink at him, am I still sleeping? I look him over, he's wearing a dark grey t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts that hang loosely from his hips. If I wasn't so confused about why I was here with him, I'd be completely taken back by the sight of him. His arms cross over his chest causing his shirt to strain against his toned biceps, his dark hair perfectly messy and his sleepy brown eyes watching me. He give's me a cocky smirk and I feel my cheeks flush, I've been caught.

Pushing the blanket away I scan myself, I'm still in my pajamas from last night. Which is a good thing, I don't want to think about what could of happened last night if this is in fact Dylan's apartment.

"Cat got your tongue?"

I look back at him as he smiles lazily at me, he was effortlessly handsome. My jaw slacks and I want to say something but I'm trying to piece together last night. I think back through the sleep fog still clouding my mind. We went to that park last night and I know we kissed. I can still taste him on my lips and feel the sensation that over took me when he pulled me against him. But I pushed him away, I yelled at him, he told me he wanted me than shut me out. Just like he's been doing since I met him, he gives me a small part of him then quickly takes it all back.

"You were suppose to take me back to my dorm." I finally speak, my voice dry from lack of hydration.

I remember now, I got in his jeep and he told me he was bringing me back. That he shouldn't of even brought me along in the first place. What a shocker.

He nods, "I was going to yes."

"Did.... did we sleep together?" I ask timidly.

"No. We didn't." he says dryly

I feel better knowing that, but I still don't understand one thing. "Then why am I not there?"

Dylan takes in a deep breath scratching at the back of his neck. The small movement makes his shirt ride up and I catch a glimpse of the tightness of his abs and a small line of a happy trail leading straight to,

"You fell asleep on the ride home." his voice is groggy, "You told me you were tired, that I made you exhausted with the back and forth of emotions." I can hear a hint of remorse behind his words.

He's watching me carefully, looking to see if I remember, "You told me that if I wanted you to leave me alone that I had to stay away from you... " he continues still watching me. I'm staring at my hands folded in my lap. It's too early to face his intense gaze, or maybe I was afraid of what he may say next.

Addicted (Dylan O'Brien)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon