Chapter 52

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I needed this.

Oh God, did I need this. I hold my stomach and try to cover my mouth as an unattractive laugh falls from my lips. My eyes water as I try to catch my breath, my stomach in tight knots from laughing so hard.

Across from me Aunt Jenny laughs elegantly with her wine glass in hand and her bright blue eyes beaming with happiness. Next to me, Dylan shifts uncomfortably in his seat, unsure of how to act I suppose.

I shake my head, drawing in a breath, "I just... can't believe you did that!"

Jenny shrugs her shoulder as if to drop a simple weight off her self, "He had it coming to him, I mean who leaves a baseball bat next to the door anyways? It's like he was just asking for me to take it to the windshield of his Challenger."

Thinking of my petite aunt taking a metal bat to a 2016 challenger paints quite the picture and I fail to subside a laugh, snorting in the process.

"That was adorable."

I look over to Dylan to see that lopsided grin on his lips, his dark eyes watch me just like they always have, "I guess I'm just an adorable person."

He chuckles shaking his head going back to sipping on his soda.

"You seem to be a man of many words." aunt Jenny says eyeing Dylan.

I look to Dylan who's narrowed his eyes towards my aunt and my heart jumps into my throat, I've witness that threatening look one too many times, "Well, who can get in a word when you seem to be the blabber mouth of the table."

My mouth falls open, I can't believe he just said that. I kick him under the table, wanting to get my anger across to him. He barely finches as his eyes stay on my aunt, "Well, someone needs to fill the awkward silence that you've created." my aunt doesn't skip a beat.

"Sometimes, silence is enjoyed." Dylan leans on the table, "Obviously, that is something you've never experienced before seeing as you can't shut that loud mou-"

"Aunt Jenny, how's the house renovation going?" I interject quickly before Dylan inserts his other foot into his mouth.

Jenny looks over at me with a smile not phased at all by Dylan's rude comments, "They are going wonderful actually. My last divorce settlement was more than enough for the add on addition to the master suite." suddenly her attention is back to Dylan, "So tell me Dylan, you seem to be an opinionated man, how do you feel about Skylar's internship,?"

My heart drops as I can feel Dylan's eyes turn towards me, "Internship?" he questions softly.

"The one with the journal company in the city?" my aunt pins him under her stare.

I can hear my own heart beat in my ears, I never told him about the internship, it never even crossed my mind to tell him.

"Actually, we haven't heard back from the head supervisor of the department yet. He extended the final date since so many applications were submitted." my voice quivers.

I've told Dylan time and time again that he needs to open up to me, that he can't keep shutting me out of his life. Yet, here I am not even doing as I'm asking of him. I feel terrible as I dare a look at him, his usual strong features seem broke and distraught and he immediately casts his eyes downward.

"That's a good thing, the more applicants submitted the better it will look for you when you're chosen." my aunt speaks optimistically.

"Aunt Jenny, my writing is not that good." I say quickly, "There is probably much more qualified students for the internship. I feel honored enough to even have been considered."

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