Chapter 34

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A/N: it's long! But so worth it! So I've been writing in Dylan's POV, do you like it... Or is it just a waste of time? Personally I like it, but let me know! Have an awesome day!


Everything seems to be moving in slow motion today, time seems to go slower than usual in my marketing class and most of the time I feel like all the students are stuck in turtle mood today. I'm sure it's only me who feels this way. I have since Dylan abruptly left my dorm after his confession.

Does he really feel that way about himself? He spoke all those hateful things against himself and didn't even bat an eyelash. How could he think that about himself? I was rendered speechless after the horrible things he said, so distraught that he felt so lowly of himself. As he shouted, I felt my heart constrict with pain as I listened to him, listening to the hatred in his voice directed at himself. After he left, I stood frozen in my place, blinking repeatedly to make sure that I was in fact awake. Even still, I feel like I'm sleep walking, unsure how to handle the things he said both this morning and last night.

My run did nothing for me except tire me more then I already was. Dylan and I didn't exactly sleep last night, but I'm not complaining. With each touch, he ignited my skin and made my stomach tie in knots over and over again. I fell asleep thinking of his dark golden eyes, and how they were ablaze with a hungry desire as he would look down at me every now and then. As if to reassure himself that it was happening, that it wasn't a dream. I know for a fact he's much more experienced than I am but never once did he push me. Even when he tried to push my shirt up, he stopped immediately when I halted his actions. Looking back now, I should of let him only because I have no idea if I will ever feel what I felt last night with him again.

Honestly, I probably shouldn't even be worrying if there will be another night for us. For the way he treats me I should walk away, hell I should run. Except, I don't want to, if anything last night has only intensified all my desires for Dylan further. From the way he pleaded with me to not leave him, to the words he whispered in my ear as he sucked on my ear lobe. There is no turning back now.

Trying to gain my focus on work, I splash cold water over my face then tie my hair up in a loose pony tail. Immediately my eyes dart to my neck, they go wide at the sight. I have what looks like small bruises dotting my neck, from my collar bone right to my ear. Turning my head so I have a better angle, I see just how crazy last night was. I wasn't even aware he was leaving me marked, all I was aware of was how amazing he was making me feel and how I didn't want it to stop. They weren't visible this morning, and if they were my hair did an awesome job of covering them up. 

I look them over and my mind drifts, even if I want to cover them I can't help but have images of Dylan kissing me flood my mind. They're like small reminders that last night did in fact happen. Having to get to work, I square my shoulders and desperately try to figure out a good reason for these hickeys, before opening the bathroom door and walk out.

"Finally!" Erica says exasperatedly, "You were in there forever! I thought you took off out the damn window or something!" if there is one thing I've learned about Erica it's that she can be a bit over dramatic at times.

I grab an apron from the rack and begin tying it around my waist, "Nope, just to make myself look alive for the night." there is no use in trying to hide the dark circles under my eyes.

"Oh? Did someone have a long night?" she says in a singsong voice giving me her famous dancing brow.

I roll my eyes, "Get you're mind out of the gutter." I dodge her question though I can't help the fact my cheeks warm at the slightest mention of Dylan and I's sleep over.

Disappointingly, I look down at my phone, no messages. He hasn't even tried to get in contact with me all day, that is a bit out of his character. Seeing has the last few days he's called a least a dozen times a day.

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