Chapter 12

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I watch as a rain drop rolls slowly over the window, just beyond that are all the lights to the dorms. Dylan just parked after driving back to campus in utter silence. My head is still jumbled and foggy, whether its from us kissing or what happened after I'm not sure. One moment we were on top of the world, untouchable, getting lost in each other. The next, reality hit us and you'd think I was some sort of plague from how fast Dylan backed away from me.

The moment was lost so quickly, I felt as though the ground had been ripped from underneath me and I smacked my head on pavement. The entire ride back, Dylan gripped the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles had turned white and his veins popped under his skin. I tried talking to him but I was shrugged off. Now, sitting here in the silence with the night so fresh in my mind, I have no idea what to do and it's killing me.

I take in a shaky breath, "What happened back there?" I ask, too afraid to look at him.

He turns off the car and relaxes back into his seat. Well, I'm so happy he can relax while I'm over here confused beyond all belief. I try to wait for his response, but as the minutes tick by slowly I realize I'm not going to get one.

"Did you hear me?" I push, I need answers, I need to know what is going on between us.


"So why aren't you answering? Why aren't you talking to me?" my voice so small, and I feel so needy towards him. "Did I do something wrong?"

He finally looks up at me, his eyes meeting mine, "No Skylar... you did everything right."

"Then what happened! Everything was going good, we were good and you just... what happened?"

I can't figure it out, it was perfect, we were perfect. I never thought I'd say that about Dylan but that's the truth. How our bodies responded to each other, the heat and passion, he had to of felt it. Everything had disappeared, faded into some distant memories and we were the only ones. I felt as thought I couldn't get enough of him, I needed more with every touch that even our clothing put too much distance between us. Then, he was the one putting the distance. I can still see him walking away from me, leaving me standing there wondering what had just happened.

He sits there, not even looking at me anymore and I feel my anger building, "Say something!" I say loudly.

"You need to stay away from me Skylar." he rasps, as if I hurt him.


"You heard me," he looks at me with angry eyes, "Stay away from me." His voice was stern and there was no mistaking what he had just said.

I forced a fake laugh causing him to furrow his brows, "Me stay away from you." I laugh again this time for real.

"I've tried staying away from you! I try to avoid you, you're always the one who shows up everywhere. My dorm, at the cafe, you're always there! Even when I don't invite you over you are still there! Oh, and you just magically appeared earlier and offered me the ride! And if you've forgotten, you kissed me first, not the other way around! So please tell me why I need to stay away from you when you're always the one showing up!"

My heart is racing in my chest, beating angrily against my rib cage. He makes me furious, how can he tell me to stay away from him when all this time it's been him that's coming around and getting under my skin and mixed up in my head. It's all him.

"You didn't have to kiss me back." he reply's, as if I had a choice!

"Are you serious? That's all you have to say for yourself?"

I'm shaking in my seat, the anger flowing through my veins quickly as I watch Dylan staring straight ahead. He doesn't even have the decency to look at me while talking to me. He is unbelievable! The longer I sit with him, the more I regret everything that's happened tonight. 

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