Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

SkylarS POV

"So...." Cher clears her throat as she parks her car, "is that all you kept from him?"

I nod slowly staring out the windshield into the dark parking lot. My whole body feels numb but also everything at once. Its like my body doesn't know what to feel or if it should feel at all.

I wish I could shut it all off.

I just want to close my eyes and wake up again this morning like I had. Being held in Dylan's arms, feeling his steady breath against my neck and slowly smiling as he whispered 'good morning baby doll' in my ear.

But when I open my eyes, I'm still in Cher's car, and I'm still on the verge of losing Dylan.

Cher let's out a long sigh, "well.... Shit I don't know girl. He'll come around though. He always does."

Her words seem less than convincing.

Cher came to the cafe about twenty minutes after Dylan left, she came to find me a balled up mess on the floor gripping my phone with a death hold begging someone to listen up there and have Dylan call me back.

No one was listening.

"Has he responded yet?"

Again, I shake my head no.

All of my calls and the last ten messages have gone unanswered. I can't blame him, I saw the hurt in his eyes. Everything is about to change and I can't stop it. This time, it's all my fault. The car falls to an unbearable silence and I know Cher doesn't have the slightest idea what to do. Hell, all I'm doing is staring out a window with tears streaming down my cheeks. My voice feels raw from explaining to her what has happened and I just don't want to talk again unless it's to Dylan.

He's the only one worth speaking to right now and he doesn't even want to speak to me.

Having enough of this awful silence I open the door and head to the dorm building. I'm right back where I started.

Flash backs of my first day on campus come flooding in as I walk across the lot.

Images of the bright and hopeful girl I was, how perfectly curled my dark hair was, how I spent hours perfecting my makeup that morning, spending time picking out my outfit and then changing over and over again. The sun was so bright that day, the blue sky filled with white fluffy clouds. God, I was beaming with hope and excitement for a new life and a future away from my father.

Now.... Here I am. Just months later, loosing everything I thought I knew with nothing to fall back to. My whole world is spinning out of control.

If I could, I'd go back and tell myself to run.

To just let my father tell me what to do, it's be less painful that way.

My bright hopeful future was not beyond these doors.

Memories keep drowning me as I walk down the hallway, nights I'd come home and find Dylan waiting at my door. Tonight is not one of those nights. The hallway is empty and Dylan is nowhere to be found. I find myself wishing it was back then... when he would bang on my door at two in the morning until I let him in.

"Natasha went home for a little bit." Cher explain as she lets me in, "her therapist said it's help with her treatment."

Again, I nod. It seems to be the only response I have right now. Walking into the small dorm room, everything is so familiar to me and yet, the girl who lived here was so different. She fought her feelings for a man who she knew would destroy her. Maybe she knew something I didn't. Maybe she knew this would eventually end in disaster.

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