Chapter 100

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Authors Note!

We made it Friends! Oh my gosh! This is unbelievable that I'm writing chapter 100! Never did I think my little fan fiction would become this popular! Just one day I decided I wanted to read a story I know I'd enjoy. Along the way I gave up a few times until I kept receiving messages from you asking me to keep writing. The only reason I've even finished this book and have a sequel in its wake, is because of yall! You guys have asked and I wanted to deliver and I can only hope, this has been the book you've loved as much as I've loved writing it! You guys are amazing! I made this chapter extra long because, well we have to go out with a bang! Make sure to keep an eye out for the sequel!
I need everyone's opinion on what to call the next one. I'm stuck between Relapse, or Overdose?
Which is your favorite?
Thank you for all the support and encouragement!!

Xoxo Em 🥰

Dylan's POV;

"So this is your brilliant plan?" His voice holds so much disgust towards me, and I can't blame him.

"If you had a better one, you should of spoke up." I tell him.

Looking around my apartment, I can only imagine the shit he's thinking right now. There's broken bottles smashed on the floor, empty cups and food containers on the counter. My lamp is smashed and my coffee table is pretty much destroyed now.

"She doesn't deserve this."

I scoff, "you don't think I know that shit? But she also doesn't deserve my deadbeat fuck of a father coming after her again."

He sighs loudly and his heavy footsteps sound in the apartment as he begins walking around.

"You could have told her."

I drop my head back against the couch, "she would have never played along. I know her better than anyone, and David is too fucking smart. He'd figure it out if she knew."

"You don't give her enough credit."

Frustration begins to boil in my veins, "I know her. She wouldn't go along with it if she knew." I say through gritted teeth.

"And what, you expect her to be all fine after this shit show is over and jump into your arms?"

"Fuck!" I shout, "you don't think I've thought about that? That I haven't thought ever single second that she may never forgive me? Of course I have! It's all I can fucking think about, when she called me last night I was so fucking close to begging her for forgiveness." I scream standing up,

"Do you know how fucking hard it is not to get in my damn Jeep and pick her up? Do you have any fucking clue? Because it feels like every second she's not with me, I'm slowly dying! I had no other idea to keep her safe! I had no other choice!" I scream at him, coming to stand toe to toe to him.

"This wasn't it!" Rob suddenly screams at me, "she didn't deserve this!"

"She didn't deserve any of this shit Rob! Don't you get that?" My pulse is pounding in my ears now, "she never asked to be brought into my hell, I fucking dragged her down. I thought I could fucking protect her, but do you know what it was like to walk into her work and see my fucking father using the only girl I've ever loved as bait for me? He wants me, and he used the one person I can't fucking live without to get me! So yes! I know she doesn't fucking deserve any of this shit! She doesn't deserve to worry about me every day, or to be in fear of my damn demons! She deserves the fucking chocolates and flowers, and date nights that end in making love! She deserves the Prince Charming and right now.... I am not what she deserves."

I'm gasping for air as my throat now feels raw from screaming at Rob. He's watching me, I can see the tug of war he's in. Despite what he feels, he knows I had no other choice.

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