Chapter 10

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Thunder cracks once again above the small cafe and the lights flicker for the hundredth time tonight, "Are we suppose to be having a storm tonight?" I call out to Jeanie as I wipe down the last table.

"As far as I'm concerned no, but I'm no weather girl." she calls out to me.

I look out the window and watch as dark, looming clouds begin to roll in fast. It's almost seven o'clock, and I have about a half hour walk back to campus with a good chance of getting stuck in a rain storm. This is where having a car would come in handy, though I never learned how to drive.

Though it hasn't begun to rain, the sky has definitely darkened from the threatening clouds. I was only suppose to stay here until six, except Erica had some unexpected come up so I'm here till closing to cover. Maybe the rain will hold off for another hour.

"So how are you liking the college life?" Jeanie makes small talk as we begin to clean.

"It's different."

I think back to when I use to do all my courses on line, sitting in my nice comfy queen size bed wearing my pajamas. Being able to finish my assignments whenever I pleased, not having to worry about waking up at the crack of dawn to make it to my first class, not having to share a dorm with a girl who has never used a vacuum before in her life. Yeah, I think it's safe to say college life is a lot different from on line courses. For a split second I remember the first time Dylan barged into my life the first day of college but I quickly will it away.

I haven't thought of him in a whole day, that's the longest I've gone and I want to keep it going.

"I have to admit I miss doing my classes in my pajamas." I laugh at my own joke, Jeanie joining in as she mops the floor.

She shakes her head, "I remember going to my classes all dolled up. Hair perfectly teased and curled into place and my bright blue eye shadow painted on before the sun was even awake."

I laugh at this, it's crazy to think that Jeanie was in college in the eighties, she still seems so young to me. "That'd be a sight to see."

"I have pictures I'll bring them in for proof." she wipes some sweat from her brows just as another crack of thunder sounds rattling the lights.

"Seems like we're about to get a really bad storm." she opens the front door and the wind begins to whip around her chestnut hair. "Why don't you head out Skylar, I can finish up here."

"Are you sure? I don't mind finishing the tables." I say as I move to the next one.

Jeanie just smiles walking over to take my spray bottle and rag, "Go home, or go to a party. Life isn't all about work you know."

Even thought I've worked for Jeanie for only a week, she's already been harassing me to be a teenager. To go out and explore, to make memories and mistakes, to live a little. I just laugh it off ignoring her as I take the next order.

"I don't party Jeanie." I remind her for the thousandth time as I grab my sweater hanging by the door.

"Well maybe you should." she has a glint to her eyes, "It'll loosen you up a little." and with a wink she disappears into the back to finish cleaning.

Outside, the wind is blowing with no sign of let up as I walk down the abandoned street. Pulling my sweater tight, I brace myself against the cold air. I walk briskly, trying to keep my hair out of my face seeing as the hair tie can't do so. Ten minutes into the walk I begin to feel raindrops falling, and I mentally kick myself for not asking Jeanie for a ride to campus as I pull my hood on.

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