Chapter 43

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Monday morning, everyone is sitting slumped over in their chairs practically drooling as our professor continues to discuss what she expects of our next assignment. I've tried writing down the key points but my coffee hasn't kicked in and I've turned to doodling all through out my notebook.

".... and please remember you must have a works cited page. I can not believe how many of you didn't include those in your last assignment. This isn't high school, I shouldn't have to remind you that you need a work cited page. This is the last time I will mention this, if you do not have a work cited page you will be taking a zero on this assignment...."

She continues on her rant and I continue to draw small hearts and music notes all over my page.  With having yesterday off from work and keeping my phone off all day, I was able to do all of my research on my author of choice. It's crazy how much work I can get done when I ignore everyone. By the time I turned on my phone I had multiple texts from Dylan telling me that we needed to talk. I didn't reply, even though I wrote at least ten different text messages I sent none of them.

I should of avoided Dylan at all costs this weekend but I got caught up in my own head. What ever he wanted to talk about could wait, I'm just not in the right frame of mind to have an adult conversation with him. If that could even happen with him. Every time we try to talk one of us starts pushing the other away and the other walks away.

"Miss Matthews?"

My head snaps up hearing my name being called. I glance around, the lecture hall is empty now and Professor Collins stands by her podium with a creased brow. When did she dismiss us?

"Sorry, I hadn't realized everyone headed out." I say collecting my belongings and head down the stairs.

"That's perfectly fine, you seemed a bit distracted today is everything okay?" she asks with genuine concern, "Are you taking on to much with your classes? I know it's a much different pace than the online classes."

I shake my head, "Not at all, I just was having trouble focusing the coffee hasn't kicked in." I motion to the almost empty cup in my hand. I will be needing another one.

She shakes her head, amusement in her eyes, "Of course. I forget the kind of weekends that can happen on the campus." she laughs shaking her head, "Anyways, I just wanted to let you know I emailed your paper to my friend over the weekend, I must say I was very impressed with the angle you took your paper. It wasn't something I expected." she beams.

I'm shocked, I rushed on the paper, not realizing how far behind I had gotten on my assignments, "Thank you, that means a lot. I like to leave my readers guessing."

"You did that very well. I'm sure he'll be impressed as well, it's very rare that you find a college student with as much talent as you do."

I can't help the smile on my lips, "Wow, that means.... thank you." I stumble for the right words. I never thought I was talented with my writing.

"Your very welcome. Keep up the good work," she pats my shoulder lightly, "I'll let you know if I hear anything."

"That sounds great."

I leave her classroom feeling like I'm on cloud nine. My father always said writing would get me nowhere in life, that it wasn't an actual talent. So hearing the praise Professor Collins just gave me feels amazing. I walk into the hallway and see Mason talking with a few guys, the moment he sees me his face lights up with a bright smile. He doesn't even excuse himself from the group before walking right for me.

"Hey there Skylar." he says with a smile, his eyes bright.

"Hey Mason," I return with a tired smile, "Where you waiting for me?" I tease as he begins walking with me down the hall.

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