Broken, Confused and Bewildered

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"What do you want to talk about?" Steve asked, his arms crossed across his chest. You two were alone in the room. You had insisted that you wanted to talk to Steve after Natasha spoke in your favor after Clint.

"I don't want this." You said, your voice cracking a little at the last word.

Steve scoffed and rolled his eyes, "I wasn't the one whoring myself to Tony and asking for help." Steve said coldly.

"I was just scared, I don't know. And Dave..." Loving Dave isn't wrong, being scared of Steve and hating him isn't wrong. You remembered what your therapist had made you realise. Somehow, it didn't feel authentic anymore. "I was scared of Dave as well." You said.

There was a hint of worry in Steve's eyes, almost making him seem that he wanted to ask, 'what did he do?' but he only stared at you.

You walked closer to Steve and put your hands on his arms that he had kept crossed. "I'm sorry, Steve. I was just hurting too much." You said.

"Are you asking for my forgiveness or just saying that what you did was right?"

You looked down, not being able to look into his scrutinising eyes anymore. It was like he could see right through you, could see through all of the dilemmas and instabilities. It was like he knew every single part of you.

"I just want things to go back to like they were." You mumbled.

"Knees." Steve said, making you look up at him, confused. "Get on your knees." He said.

"Steve... What?" You asked, gulping as his face turned into a grin.

"You know what you have to do, Y/N. Just get on your knees." He said. "That's the apology I want from you."


You got back to the hearing room after the ten minute limit was up. You sat back in your chair and so did Steve. Everyone had curious looks on their countenances as to what you two could've talked about.

Everything happened as it was scheduled. Some of the avengers spoke for you, some against you. Then it was Steve's turn.

"Do you agree to the accusations Y/N has put on you?" A member of the council asked Steve. You looked at him intently.

"Partly, yes. Not completely." Steve said, speaking with the confidence and strength that his voice always had.

"What do you mean?" The same member questioned.

"Are familiar with masochism?" Steve asked.

"Are you implying that Y/N is a masochist?" A different member asked this time.

"Of course. How else do you explain his behaviour? He asked me to do all those things to him. It all started from just few little things in the beginning. Then one day, he asked me to kidnap him." Steve said.

"Y/N himself asked you to take him to the beach house?" A member queried.

"Affirmative. He wanted to get away fr everything, from being an avenger. It was taking a toll on him. He himself said so when Fury came to the island to arrest me." Steve said.

The council asked Fury if that was true and Fury agreed, it really was what you had said back then.

"I lost my image, my friends, my team for him. He wanted me to do those things and I did whatever he asked for only out of my love for him. I just couldn't help but love him." A single tear left his eye and ran across his cheek before Steve wiped it with his hand, his face steel hard like a soldier as he did.

"Why would he choose to report you then?"

Steve took a deep breath and sighed, "I'm tired." He said, really sounding tired. "I think I just wasn't enough for him."

"But wouldn't he have just dumped you in that case, instead of going through all of this?"

"It... I don't think I can answer that." Steve said.

"You don't have an option, Mr. Rogers."

Steve sighed heavily and sat back, taking a sip from the glass of water that was next to him. He took a couple of minutes then finally spoke up, "I caught him cheating." He answered. "Well, not technically, but..."

"Give a complete answer, Rogers." The council said.

"He would often masturbate to Tony's pictures and moan his name when he'd kiss me. I ignored it the first couple of times but then... It just got too much." Steve said.

You didn't know what to think. His voice... Had you not known that it was all a lie, you would've believed him yourself. And that was the moment when the realisations came drawing closer and closer to you. He was a really good liar. And you were just... a broken young man.

"I confronted him about it, asked him what was going on. He just got mad at me. And... And I don't know what to think anymore."

"You fucking liar!" Your and everybody else's head turned to Ethan as he yelled and stood up. "How do you talk like that about my Y/N!" But Dave sat him back down, murmuring something into his ear.

Steve shot Ethan a look, "Well, your Y/N took me to a room in the middle of this hearing just to suck my dick! He's just a fucking whore is what!" Steve said, making you look at him in disbelief.

"Please calm down, Rogers." The council said. "We understand the emotional turmoil you must be in."

"Y/N, is Steve speaking the truth?" The council asked you, catching you off guard. You were lost and confused and scared and angry and humiliated. And you didn't know what to think.

"I... I don't-"

"It's either a yes or no. Is what Steve said true?" The council cut you mid sentence.

"Yes." You said, because it was. You looked at Tony who looked back at you with a confused stricken face. For some reason, you felt like everyone was disgusted with you.

You heard Clint's soft scoff. "What a slut. Bet he's dreamt about my dick too." He muttered under his breath.

This wasn't real, you said to yourself. Steve wouldn't be doing this. Clint wouldn't say things like these.

"I need time." Steve said. "Please." His voice almost croaked.

The council replied after sometime but agreed. They adjourned the hearing and scheduled it for the same time, tomorrow.

Just as the screens went black, Steve smirked at you and walked out of the room before you could even say anything to him. Just as you stood up, Ethan walked up to you and hugged you. "Meet me tonight at midnight. I'll be waiting at the roof of the tower. Make sure you're alone." He said and walked away.


Fun fact: I was legit drunk when I wrote these two chapters. Sorry.

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