Let The Battle Between Time and Dishonesty Rage On

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You weren't feeling sleepy so you kept reading until your phone rang. It was an unknown number. You picked up.

"Hello? Y/N?"

"Ethan? Whose number is this?" You asked.

"Doesn't matter. Wait, is Steve there?" He seemed in a hurry. You were familiar with SHIELD's limited phone call policies during exclusive missions so you shrugged it off.

"Uh yeah, he's sleeping."

"Just get to the balcony or something." Ethan said. You frowned but did as he said. It was rather challenging to free yourself from Steve's arms but you eventually managed to do so.

"Alright, what's up?" You walked to the balcony.

Only if you knew Steve was still awake and listening in to your conversation. Steve hadn't initially intended to eavesdrop. He had merely been woken up when you got out of bed but he laid still when he heard Ethan's name.

"Right. Better ask me what's around then up." Ethan sighed. "Do you know where I am?"

"Of course, you told me. Wait, you're not in trouble. Are you?"

"No and no. I'm not in venezuela. Just got relocated to Algeria." He said. "And you know because of whom?"

"Please don't tell me I'm on a game show and this is some weird Q and A portion because I'm so not in the mood for that." You sighed.

"Y/N." Ethan said, clearly annoyed.

"Alright, alright. Who sent you off?" You asked. You didn't consider it as a red alert or something. SHIELD's assignments weren't exactly very transparent and it was rather common for an agent to be sent off if the said agent had picked a bone with any of the higher authorities. And boy was Ethan known to be a trouble maker.

"Steve. Fucking. Rogers." He said almost in a growl. Okay, you weren't expecting that.

"What?" You frowned. But before you knew it, you heard a loud voice from behind you causing you to turn around in a haste. Consequently, your phone slipped from your hand and went flying off the balcony. "Steve!" You exasperated as it turned out to be him who had scared you.

He merely laughed. Actually, he laughed pretty hard holding his stomach and everything. You sighed and shook your head before noticing that your phone wasn't in your hand anymore. "Wh-?" You quickly rummaged around.

"What happened?" Steve asked.

"My phone! It must've slipped out when I turned!"

"You mean jumped?" Steve gave a taunting smile but quickly regained his posture upon seeing your unamused countenance. "I'm sorry." He said immediately and crossed his hands behind his back.

You sighed, "It's fine, Tony paid for it anyway. But I was on the phone with Ethan." You have him a suggestive glare.

"I'm really sorry. You can use my phone to call him back." He said and offered you his phone.

You shook your head, "Nah, he doesn't have his phone currently. Nevermind, I'll call him later." You said and walked inside.

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now