When Being Nice Yields No Good

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"Y/N... I really should go back." Steve said, feeling nervous as the time passed. Initially, he had enjoyed it and was readily walking with you at the park but then SHIELD had called him, questioning his absence. Even though you had snatched the phone from Steve and had let the people know that he won't be coming for the day, Steve still was nervous.

"Oh come on, Steve. Grow a pair." You sighed and took the two glasses of juice that you had gotten for the two of you. You handed Steve's to him and sipped on yours.

"You're a really bad company." Steve mumbled although couldn't help but smile at the younger man.

"So I've been told." You grinned and sat down on the bench. Steve followed and sat next to you with his glass. "What should we do next?" you asked more to yourself than the super soldier.

"We could go to the-"

"Oh there's this super amazing spa I know about and- wait, did you say something?" You looked at him.

"Nothing." Steve chuckled, "Whatever you have in mind." He said and threw his glass in the trash as he stood up which he had already finished. You looked at your glass which was still more than half full and heard Steve chuckle. "It's okay. You can drink, I'll wait." He said and sat back down. You shook your head and drank it a little faster anyway. Once it was over, you got up up and Steve called a cab.


"Thank you, Y/N. It was a really good day." Steve smiled as he dropped you off outside your room. The day had been great. You had finally gotten Steve to agree to a massage at the spa and had then gone for a movie before dinner.

"Anytime, Captain." You smiled back and was just about to leave when Steve grabbed your hand. It was a gentle hold so you didn't resist. "Hmm?"

"I wanted to talk..." he said and you noticed how he wouldn't meet your eyes.

"Um, sure. I mean I could make us a cup of coffee?" You asked, not sure about anything.

"No, I mean- I would love it but... Y/N I don't..." He started stuttering and you noticed how his hold on your hand had tightened as well. "I just... can't be friends with you." He said and he sounded as if he just had kicked a puppy or something. You weren't quite sure what he had meant but boy did he sound guilty.

"Um, okay? I mean if you don't want to, it's all fine."

"No, I mean..." he took a deep breath and sighed. "I think I'm in love with you, Y/N." He said and you froze to your spot, looking up at him.

"What?" You asked and the words came out harsher than you had intended for them to. "You've barely known me for a month, Steve." You said but he didn't say anything, just looking at his feet awkwardly. "Steve?"

"I've... I knew you before." He said.

"No you didn't. I joined the avengers barely a month ago and I haven't been assigned my first mission yet." You said, furrowing your brows at the extreme turns this conversation was taking.

"Well, I- I still am the chief advisor to SHIELD cadets. I was the one who approved you despite your young age, the others didn't want you in the squad." He admitted. "But that was it, I swear. I never stalked you or anything. Well, until-"

You cut him off this time, "Until they found out about my powers." You said and he nodded. "You were the one who told Fury to hook me up with you guys." You deduced and you honestly weren't surprised when Steve nodded again. You were somewhat internally thinking that maybe all of this being nice to Steve and 'going out as friends' wasn't a very great idea.

"But it wasn't for this, I swear. I really thought you'd be a great asset for the team but then-"

"But then what?"

Steve took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I couldn't control it... I just really liked you. I thought it was normal but then I met you in person and..." he gulped, "and I just couldn't help."

"Um, okay..." You said a bit awkwardly. You didn't know what to say, really.

"All I'm saying is I can't be friends with you. It hurts. I did enjoy today but knowing that at the end of the day, I'll never be more than a friend to you... it kills me."

"Steve, you're thinking too much man. Just-"

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I tried." He said as he let go of your wrist and left without another word.


"Where's Steve?" You asked as you walked into the the living room for breakfast and didn't see him which was unusual. You'd see Steve on the table with his coffee and newspaper every single day without a miss. He usually was the first one to greet you a good morning after Jarvis.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. Did something happen yesterday?" Natasha spoke up.

"Um... you guys don't know where he is?" You countered the question in an attempt to change the topic.

"Not really. Jarvis, do you know where he is?" Tony said.

"Since when did you start waking up this early?" You said and he just rolled his eyes.

"I'm afraid I don't, sir." Jarvis said. "He left the building last night after his argument with Mr. Y/N and hasn't come back since." He told Tony and everyone gave you weird looks. "Would you like me to track down his cell phone?" Jarvis added.

"Yes, please." Natasha said, not taking her eyes off of you.

"Done. He's at the SHIELD headquarters." Jarvis said after a few seconds.

"What was the argument about?" Bruce chimed in as he served you breakfast. You sighed and told them everything. "Do you have feelings for him?" Bruce asked rather politely after hearing your side.

"It's no use. I know Rogers and he's never off schedule. If he missed today's breakfast, I don't think he's quite alright." Natasha said. "Please just give in for his sake." She said to you.

You gulped, "I-I could talk to him?"

"Please. I know I'm asking a lot but I know Steve. He'll beat himself into depression and nobody will know until it's too late." She said and you looked down at your untouched plate of food.

"Okay." You finally said. "I'll think about it." You said and got up, going back to your room. "Jarvis, let me know when Steve comes back." You said in a defeated tone. Steve was a great man. Anyone would be happy to have a gentlemen like him no matter how freaky he could get at times. But... things hadn't been so easy for you after your last boyfriend had died on a mission. You were pretty serious with him and everything came tumbling down in a matter of seconds. You obviously took it better than most people but it messed up your brain big time. Nonetheless, you had to give this thing with Steve a shot. For the sake of this team, at least.

"Noted, sir."

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now