The Meet

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"He'll be here soon." Fury said for he fifth time as the avengers were losing their patience. Today was the day you were supposed to meet with avengers, aka your new team. Yep, you heard it right. You were going to be, from this day forth, an avenger.

"Yeah well, we don't have all day to wait around for some kid so I'm out. Jarvis, Ready my work station." Tony said as he stood up to leave.

"You're forgetting that you're here on my orders." Fury said in a vexed tone. You were supposed to be at the SHIELD headquarters an hour ago and you were still nowhere near to be seen. "Fine, I'll call him again." Fury sighed and pulled out his phone, hoping you'd pick up this time.

Tony rolled his eyes and sat back down. Natasha had excused herself for the washroom and had already left while the boys were forced to sit. Clint was sound asleep with his head on Thor's shoulder while Thor played  a puzzle game in a magazine he had found. Even the well poised Steve Rogers was starting to lose his forbearance.


The day has finally arrived. You'd finally be an Avenger. Though you weren't really the one to obsess over anything but come on, you'd finally get to meet the the team that literally everyone in the academy looked up to? You'd finally get to know the people behind the masks. How exciting could this day be?

Except that it wasn't. Here you were, sprawled across the bed on your back, hungover from the excessive drinking and partying the night before. It wasn't your fault, it was your last day as a SHIELD agent and your friends decided to throw a party no one would forget about for ages. Having been the youngest in the bunch, you were used to being pampered and being the center of attention and the colleagues loved you. So the farewell night had to be a blast. And so it was.

You groaned as you woke up by the ringing of your phone. "Oh God." You sat up holding your head. It hurt like hell. "Yes?" You picked it up, your eyes still shut close.

"Where. The. Fuck. Are. You." You heard Fury growl like a wolf that had been so messed up with that he was ready to tear apart anyone in its way without a thought.

"Um..." you opened your eyes and looked around to make sure. "Yeah, I'm in my... room." You said.

"Are you drunk?" Oh boy. He was definitely über angry.

"No." You straightened up, your sleep fading off your eyes at his voice. You were familiar with Fury's rage and you were in no mood to deal with it again. There must have been a reason his name was Nick Fury after all. "No, I'm not." You said quickly, mentally cursing yourself for slurring.

"Get your ass here before I come over there myself!" He yelled into the phone and you had to put the phone away from your ear to survive the yelling.

"Okay okay." You sighed. "Um, where am I supposed to be again?" You asked cautiously.

You heard Fury talk to someone else, "That's it guys. You ain't got no new teammate. He a dead man." Your eyes widened at that. You looked at your phone to check the date.

"Shit." You cut the phone and got out of the bed, running into the bathroom after hurriedly grabbing your clothes from the closet.


"I'm here! I'm here!" You shouted as you ran to main area of SHIELD headquarters. "Oh God." You panted as you say back on the couch in the middle of the room. You somewhat noticed the people in the room but you had too much on your plate to care right now. You put your shoes down that you had been carrying with you and put them on.

"Oh look who it is." You heard Fury speak with an extra dose of sass. "Our very own-"

"Hold up." You said, breathing heavily. You grabbed the nearest water bottle and took out some pills from your pocket, chugging them down. You laid your head on the backrest which felt rather fleshy but you had your eyes closed. "I almost died on the way here." You panted. "Who even broke the elevator?"

"That'd be me." You heard someone speak in a deep voice. You opened your eyes and pulled your head up to see where it had come from. And there he was. The God Of thunder.

"Oh my God." You looked up as he stood up to be 6'3". He put his hand in front of you to shake.

"Thor Odinson. Welcome to our batallion." He said. You took his hand and he shook it rather violently for what must have been normal for the big guy. You looked to your right and saw a blonde gawking at you. He had had his arm over the couch and that's where your head had been just a few seconds ago.

"Ew. Who dressed you?" You looked him up and down. He was wearing pant suits with a tucked in flannel and a boring belt.

"Shut the fuck up." Fury nudged you, clearly annoyed. "That's Captain America." He said and you immediately stood up from the couch.

"So you're telling me I just laid my head on Captain America's arm?" You whispered to Fury and thought it'd be best to maintain a distance as you saw his glare.

"I'm Tony. Tony Stark." Tony stood up and offered you his hand with a wink. You shook his hand and saw that Steve was still looking at you curiously. No, not looking. He was outright hawking at you.

"Um, I'm Y/N. But I guess you already know that so." You shrugged and Bruce was the next to stand up.

"Bruce Banner. I'll see you at the tower." He said and left the room.

"Don't mind him, he's been a bit edgy the whole day. I'm Clint. You probably know me as Hawkeye." He said and hugged you without a warning. "You smell like booze." He chuckled. "I like you already."

You blushed at the comment. You had taken a quick shower but had been stupid enough to wear the same jacket from last night. "I'm sorry for the delay." You said after waiting for Steve to introduce himself like the others but he didn't. "I was-"

"Asleep." Fury interjected. "Now get his ass out of here before I throw him out of the window." He said to Tony.

"Wait, take me where?" You looked at Fury, ignoring his threatening stance.

"To the Avengers tower." Clint said. "Your room is just a floor below mine." He said with a goofy grin.

"Wait, what? I'm moving and nobody cared to tell me?" You asked in shock.

"Well, get over it because none of us really have enough time for your realisations." Tony said and walked out. You looked at Fury and then followed the other men out of the building.

"Steve Rogers." Steve came to face you out of a sudden as you exited the building and were getting into the cars.

"Oh, hi." You shook his hand, a bit startled at his sudden appearance.

"Come on, now. I'm not going to wait any longer here." Tony said from his sports car. You were apparently riding with him.

"Guess I'll see you at the tower." You smiled at Steve and got in the car.

"Looks like someone's interested," Clint spoke and Steve turned around to see him grinning.

"Shut up, Barton." Steve tried to act like Clint's statement was false but he couldn't hide his blush as he got on his bike and drove to the tower.


This work is also available on my AO3* account under the same username (Stranger_Forever). Simply search for my username (or the story title: Limerence) and you'll be able to download this work in MOBI, EPUB, PDF, etc. formats and read on your Kindle, iPad, Phone, etc. or however you like without ads.

Do come back to let me know how you liked it though, either here on Wattpad or on AO3. :)


Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now