And Everything Else

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"How are these?" You walked around in front of Steve, wearing the shoes that you had just put on to try.

"Very good." Steve smiled. "They look amazing on you."

"Really?" You smiled brightly and took them off. "And there goes the last pair and I'm done." You sighed as you sat next to Steve, putting your head on his shoulder as the salesman got the shoes packed and made the bill.

"You must be tired. I'll drive this time." Steve said. He couldn't help but blush when you rested your head on him. For him, it was everything and it was how he wanted it to be everyday. He felt a sudden burst of feelings as he looked down at your slouched stature. He had to make you his.

"Excuse me, sir. But your bill is ready." The salesman came and you got up and followed him. The salesman definitely caught Steve's glare because he walked pretty fast to the counter to get everything done without getting his ass murdered. You paid for everything and Steve grabbed all of the bags even though you had literally begged him to let you carry at least one bag. Steve drove back and he personally took all of the bags to your room.

"I'll help you arrange these." He said, not wanting to leave you.

"Oh no, it's okay. I was just going to nap and do these later." You said, really just wanting some time alone.

"Oh." He said and honestly looked rather dejected. You knew something was going around in his head and it couldn't be good. Could "the" Steve Rogers be interested in you? Could "the" Captain America have a crush on you? It felt weird and you were currently too exhausted to think over it. "I'll... see you for dinner, I guess." He said and immediately got an idea, his face brightening up. "I'm cooking tonight, what are your favourites?"


"So when are you planning to ask him out?" Clint burst into the kitchen, almost making Steve jump. He met Steve's glare with a huge grin on his face. "Aw come on, you know you want to."

"Okay fine. I do-"

"Oh my God. I ship it." Clint immediately brightened up to a whole another level of extra. "Told you it was true!" He said, pointing at the fridge.

Steve looked towards it with confusion until Natasha walked out from behind it, looking even more confused. "That's where you were all day. With him." Natasha said.

"Woah, y'all going on dates now?" Clint grinned, terribly faking his southern accent.

"It wasn't a date..." Steve mumbled, turning red. "I just helped him to shop."

"And?" Clint wiggled his brows as he leaned his ear closer. "Did you pop his cherry?"

"What? No!" Steve pushed Clint away.

"Ow!" Clint pouted as Natasha punched him and pushed him away, taking the place next to Steve now.

"Do you seriously like him?" She asked, curious, almost as if interrogating him.

"Yes." Steve said rather defensively.

"Back to square one. When are you going to ask him out?" Clint said.

"Wait, who's asking out whom?" Tony chimed in.

"Oh great, so the gossip queen knows." Steve groaned.


"Did you like the food?" Steve asked you as you finished and immediately everyone looked up to listen to your answer.

"I did." You smiled. "In fact, I loved it. You've got some skills." You said and stood up to take the dishes to the dishwasher.

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now