Resurfacing Veracities

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The hair on the back of Peter's neck stood up and he could immediately sense something was wrong. He looked around but couldn't exactly put his finger on it. Just then, Steve walked into the room. Tony looked over at Peter, "You alright, kid?" He asked.

Peter nodded and got back to his work but still couldn't shake the feeling. He greeted Steve and got a warm smile in return before Steve leaned down and kissed your cheek, sending shivers down Peter's spine. "I looked for you in your room." Steve said and sat next to you.

"I was with Clint at the shooting range." You told him through a mouthful of an apple.

"Chew first, then speak." Steve said.

"You sound more like his mother than his boyfriend." Clint chuckled from across the table, earning a glare from the Captain.

Tony cleared his throat and sat up straight, putting his tablet aside. "I'm throwing a party this weekend and you're all invited." He said. Upon Clint asking the reason, he said it was a welcoming party for you.

"A welcoming party?" You questioned. "Aren't you a bit late on that?"

"Well, obviously I was busy." Tony said with a boastful countenance.

"Didn't Pepper put a ban on parties for the month?" Steve chimed in. You chuckled.

Tony rolled his eyes, "Just be there." He said and got up. Peter got up and left after Tony.


The rest of the day was non eventful. You had had lunch with Steve in his room since he had insisted it. He made dinner for everyone the following evening and Peter had also joined in for the night. It was movie night so everyone was gathered on the couch in front of the TV, watching Frozen for the third time in two months. It was Thor's choice, obviously. He had told you that he greatly related with the movie since his relations with his brother, Loki had grown weaker by time and had met the same fate as Elsa and Ana's but due to different reasons.

"I'm going to need another cup of ice cream." You said and stood up.

"I'll bring it for you." Steve said immediately but you sat him down and said that you could take it yourself. Steve frowned but nodded and sat down.

As you got to the kitchen, you noticed that Peter had followed you as well. "You want some too?" You asked him and he nodded, putting his cup next to yours as you put a scoopful into yours.

"Is everything okay between you and Mr. Rogers?" He asked awkwardly. He just couldn't deny the feeling and was outright sure that things were not as they seemed. He knew it wasn't any of his business but he had to ask. And seeing that you were the youngest of the Avengers, he found it comfortable to talk to your directly about it.

"What do you mean?" You furrowed your brows at him as you put another scoop into your cup.

"Your relationship with him. Is everything okay?"

"Sure, why wouldn't they be?" You said nonchalantly as you put a scoop into Peter's.

"That's enough." He said and grabbed his cup. You put the bucket back in the refrigerator and was about to head back with your cup when Peter spoke up again. "You're lying." He said.

"Excuse me?"

"You're not happy with this relationship, are you? You don't want this." Peter deduced. You remained silent, utterly perplexed at how this young kid had fathomed it all while everyone else around you couldn't. Your lost words were Peter's answer.

"Look-" you tried to speak but he cut you off.

"Is he hurting you?" He asked with his eyes wide.

"It's complicated and surely none of your business." You said, eyes narrowed at him.

"I-I can talk to Mr. Stark and he can talk to Mr. Rogers, maybe then-"

"Talk to me about what?" Steve walked into the kitchen. Peter gulped. You could see that the look in his eyes for Steve had changed completely. There was wasn't any respect anymore to put it in simple words.

"Changed your mind?" You asked, holding the cup of ice cream in front of Steve so Peter couldn't speak.

Steve smiled at you and shook his head, "You were taking long and I came to see if you needed any help." He said.

"Help? I can surely get ice cream myself." You chuckled. Peter could clearly listen to the nervousness hiding behind that chuckle and he frowned. He knew you were strong. From what he had read about you in those files, you surely weren't someone who could just be forced into a relationship. Was he wrong? Was there more it than met the eye?

"Hey. I don't want you bugging around with this topic anymore, got it?" You said, bringing Peter's chain of thoughts to a stop. Steve was out of ear shot as he got back to the couch.

"But-" you didn't let him continue and followed Steve.


"His best friend is fucking Captain America, must've pulled some strings for him alright." Ethan heard an agent talk to another in the lobby. He was just walking through the hallway when he heard the voices mention his name. "That's how he got this mission. Everyone knows SHIELD isn't supposed to assign any agent a second major mission at least for a month after the previous one."

"Honestly? Miller was the last person I thought would do this. He always played fair at the academy." The second voice belonged to a female.

"He's probably doing it for the promotion, trying to get more credits into his rank." The guy said.

"So you really think Miller got this mission because of his friendship with Captain's boyfriend?"

"No, I know he did. Rumours fly around pretty quick, I heard someone say that Captain America came personally to talk to the director and had him assign Miller this particular mission. He even pressured the director for Miller to be sent off the same day."

Ethan breathed deeply, his fists clenched at his sides. He walked off to the reception, "I want to make a call." He said.

"ID?" The woman behind the desk looked up and checked Ethan's ID in the computer. "I'm sorry but your weekly limit is exhausted." She said with an apologetic smile and handed Ethan his ID back.

"Look, it's really urgent. Okay? I just need one call. Just a minute." He said.

"I'm sorry, Agent Miller. Rules are rules." She said and got back to her work on the computer.

"Dammit." Ethan grumbled and turned away. How could he not have read the writing on the wall? He was sent off the same day he had that confrontation with Steve. He knew he had to let you know. He knew whatever Steve was upto, it was not good.

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now