As Friends

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"Goodnight, Y/N." Steve said with a smile as you two stopped in front of your room.

"Night night, Steve." You patted his chest and got in your room, deliberately locking the door behind. None of you had talked for the rest of the dinner nor any of you spoke on the drive back home. You were immensely grateful for the silence and maybe Steve was too. Just as Steve got to the main floor, the whole team was waiting there for him.

"How'd it go?" Natasha was the first to ask.

Steve blushed, "Thank you for that. It was good. Much better than the other times, at least." He said.

"Really? Did you kiss?" Thor asked.

"No. We didn't talk much but... it was nice." He said, sitting down with the avengers and taking the offered glass of cocktail.

Everyone looked at Steve weirdly, "Um sure." Tony said awkwardly. Steve was way too much in his happy bubble to notice the weird looks that were shot his way. He finished his drink and excused himself to the washroom.

"I do not understand." Thor spoke up once Steve had left. "They did not speak but it was nice?"

"Same same, goddess. I mean if not talking was so great, why put us all through that?" Tony sighed.

"Well, weird as it is, I still ship it and I wouldn't see the two any other way." Clint chimed in.

Natasha sighed from her seat across from the others, next to Bruce. "I'm going to have to agree with Barton here. We can't afford for the Captain America to go off-rail just for some guy."

Everybody nodded to that with a sigh and continued a non existent conversation just as Steve came back.


You woke up in the middle of the night from a dream that you really didn't remember now even though it hasn't even been a minute since it ended. You sighed and looked around for water but realised you had forgotten to refill your water jug on the bedside table to your bed's right that you always kept. You got up from your bed and put an oversized shirt on top of your boxers. Leaving the shirt unbuttoned, you went to the main floor's kitchen having decided to get some of Clint's flavoured milk that he kept in the fridge. You knew he'd not be pleased if you drank it but you didn't really care at the moment.

You were surprised to see Steve alone on the main floor. He was sitting on a chair he had moved closer towards the window and was currently reading a book. Although your last interaction with him had been quite nice, you really just wanted something sweet to drink and go back to sleep. You almost tiptoed to the kitchen keeping the fact that Steve was facing away from you to your advantage. You got to the kitchen and took the bottle of milk from the kitchen and chugged some down. You relished the sweetness with a sigh But was quickly startled out of the momentary bliss.

"Y/N." You spun around to see Steve towering above you. You were quite thankful for the distance he maintained though.

"Um, hi Steve." You said with a casual smile.

"That's Clint's." Steve frowned. "And I believe that's the last bottle."

"Uh- yeah. Want some?" You offered him the bottle, not sure where he was going with it.

"No, Y/N. Stealing is not good." He said with a tone one would usually use to mentor a kindergartener.

"Please don't make me put it back." You made a puppy face. "It's like really delicious. I really should start getting some for myself."

"Well, you've already opened the bottle." Steve sighed. "You can have that, I'll run to the store in the morning before he wakes up." He said with a warm smile.

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now