One Last Time

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"I love you, Steve." You said and realized that the thumping was of his heart. His heart was beating fast and you could not only feel it but hear it too now.

"Brian." He said and fresh tears welled in his eyes, blurring the blue of his eyes. "Say Brian, not Steve," he added, his voice cracking.

"I love you, Brian," You said before you could think and saw his lips curl into a faint smile.

"I'm ready." He whispered and all you saw next was red. There was blood on the pillow where you had laid and there was blood all around you. Your brain froze and it was as if the whole world had stopped. You tried to sit up but everything moved in slow motion. There he was, lying on the bed as peacefully as you had ever seen him. His body not moving and his right hand still around you. But his head... there was a heavy shot that had pierced his skull. A pool of blood was beginning to form around his body, his eyes still open with a blank stare.

Everything came back to your senses at once as the room shook with an explosion. Before you could turn around, there were arms all around you and you were being pulled off the bed.

"NO!" You yelped, holding onto Steve's hand that didn't have his grip anymore. It lay motionless in your grasp. You shot yourself forward and grabbed onto Steve's arms, unable to cling to his lifeless fingers. It was too much.

You hit the person who was behind you with the elbow. "NO!" You said and kicked backwards. It must've hit your captive as you felt his hold on you loosen. You shook yourself free and got back on the bed, wrapping your arms around Steve's body. This can't have been happening. Tears brimmed your eyes. 

"Behind you," you heard a voice, Steve's voice. You looked down but Steve was dead, it couldn't have been. You turned around anyway and there were more men coming in through the window as the man you had kicked regained his posture. He was just about to hit you with the back of his gun when you rolled backwards and off the bed. They were all masked but... the sigil on their right arms. Hydra, you told yourself. 

You looked around the room, deliberately making yourself not look at Steve's body as you considered your options. All of the exits to the room were blocked. You turned to your right, the closet's door was slightly ajar and you could've sworn you saw Steve there in the dark. He gestured for you to follow him. You looked back at the soldiers as they launched themselves towards you. They weren't using their guns as they had on Steve. They want me alive, that's a start. You told yourself but you really didn't have much time to consider or think of any other options. You looked to your right and Steve wasn't there anymore. He was still on the bed, staining the mattress red and you didn't have to look to be sure. You took your chances and ran into the closet. You closed the door behind you and fell back. 

You were in the living room. You looked around in confusion and saw the hidden latch. 

"Vase. Break the kitchen window. Leave through the door. Take the stairs. Run." It was Steve's voice again. It was his characteristic Captain America voice. It was as if he was right next to you, giving orders. Tears filled your eyes and it became almost impossible to see. You wiped your eyes with your sleeve and looked at the closet door through the latch. Some mechanism must've triggered been triggered by the latch as the closet door sealed shut. There were sounds of the soldiers trying to break in. 

You got up and shook your head. The world span. A concussion was setting in, you must've hit the floor hard. You turned around and saw it all. You found your body move to Steve's orders before you could clearly think them through. You grabbed a vase from his TV set and threw it at the kitchen window of the studio apartment. Red lights turned on. You ran through the main door of the apartments and took the stairs.

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now