The Greet

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Steve entered the living room to see you sitting on the couch alone. "Hey." He said, sitting right next to you. "Where's everyone?" He asked.

"Um, Tony said he had work to do and Thor is in the kitchen making some drink for me he said he want me to taste." You told him. "I never saw Clint, Natasha or Bruce ever since I've come back."

"Oh." He smiled at you. "I like your jacket."

"You do?" You smiled, "I wore this same jacket yesterday and there was this huge farewell party that my friends hosted for me which is kinda the reason I got late today so- is there something on my face?" You asked as Steve continued to look at you and smile.

He blushed and looked away, shaking his head. "No no... it's nothing." He said. "You're just really handsome." He mumbled under his breath.

"What?" You asked, not having been able to hear it.

"What? N-Nothing." He immediately stood up. "I was just-"

"Captain of America." Thor chimes in with his usual cheery self as he put the two glasses of drinks down on the table. "Would you like a glass too?" He asked him and sat down across from you.

You noticed how Steve changed his stance almost immediately. "No, I'm fine." He said with a small nod.

You grabbed the glass and took a sip, "Woah, this is nice." You said. "What even is this?" You asked and Thor went on and on about how Asgard had many more drinks that were way better than the ones here and this one one of them that he had brought here.

Steve just sat there going through mental dilemmas and conundrums that were so unknown to him, he found himself getting lost his own thoughts. He, for some reason, felt a strike of jealousy and rage upon seeing you talk and laugh with Thor so closely. But he didn't move, he loved seeing you laugh and smile. It was intoxicating. He just sat there, listening in on the conversation, casually talking every now and then and watching you.


"What?" You almost yelled onto the phone as you got in the elevator. You didn't even notice Steve that had already been in the elevator on his way back from the training. "What do you mean they just lost it? That's fucking- you know what. Never mind. Go fuck yourself." You yelled and cut the phone.

"That's bad language." Steve mumbled with a frown, though somewhat afraid of this new angry side of you. He was glad he was not the reason for it.

"Oh um, I didn't see you there. Hey." You said, not sure how to respond to his weird comment.

"Why are you angry?" He asked and you could somehow tell from his face that he actually cared.

You took a deep breath and sighed, "They lost my luggage and now I'm going to have to buy everything new from scratch because my wardrobe is officially gone now." You said. You couldn't exactly tell how, but talking to Steve was calming you already. "And I know that all of my friends are away on missions and shit so I'll probably have to go alone now." You said.

"I'd go with you." He said instantly without thinking. And he didn't regret it at all.

"Oh I wouldn't. I was just heading out and it'll probably take a full day. I have to get shoes, clothes and everything." You said, smiling at the taller man.

"No no, it's not a problem. Besides, I can carry much more bags than you." He chuckled and you couldn't help but laugh with him. It had such warmth. He was a nice guy. Period.

"Okay. Let's go then." You said as the elevator door opened to his floor.

"Oh wait, I have to change first." He said and you noticed how sweaty he was. "I was training. I mean, you can wait in my room if you want." He said and you took the offer. You followed him and sat on a chair as he went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and change.

His room was very neat and you noticed how none of the furniture was modern. If it wasn't for the huge LED TV and the new titles on his bookshelf, one could easily mistake it as a room set in the nineteenth century with the vintage furniture and hand painted aesthetic decorations. You stood up and walked to the bookshelf to skim through it while you waited for Steve to get ready. You had just picked one when Steve walked in, almost dressed and his hair perfectly combed. He was shirtless and you just couldn't help but gape at the muscular stature of the soldier in front of you.

"See anything you like?" He asked with a blush and you immediately moved your eyes to meet his.

"Uh wh- what?" You stuttered, not sure what Steve had meant.

"From the bookshelf." He said as he opened his closet with his face still towards you. "You can take whatever you want."

"Oh, right." You turned red and put the book back in its place. "Nah, I was just looking." You mumbled. "Nice room." You said to change the topic.

It was Steve's turn to blush again, "Thanks." He said and pulled out a shirt. "One of Stark's friend designed the room but I chose the paintings and decorations." He said. It was in his personality to boast and gasconade with pride about anything and he everything he could. Perhaps that's why he had deliberately left his shirt outside.

"You have a nice choice." You said. Steve grabbed his phone and wallet and so you left.

"Oh no, we're going in my car." You said as Steve went to his bike in the parking lot. "There will definitely be quite an amount of bags." You chuckled.

"Oh okay." He said, following you to your very own (your favorite car).

"Wow. Talk about nice choice." He said and took shotgun as you sat on the driver's seat and hit ignition.

"It was a gift from my boyfriend." You said as you drove out and took the road.

Steve's brows immediately furrowed and he felt that could only be described as mysterium tremendum et fascinans, the Latin phrase that perfectly describes the stomach-flipping mix of awestruck, fear and entrancing fascination. The fear revolved around you already being taken and the fascination that you were into men which, no matter how little, gave Steve some hope that he might have a chance. He wasn't familiar with this man-to-man dating concept at all but he had come to know about it from the New York scenes of the 21st century and the moment he laid his eyes on you, he knew that's where he wanted to be with you; together.

"Oh." He let out, trying not to sound so phased. "Does he work for SHIELD as well?" He asked after a while.

"Used to." You mumbled. "He... messed up last year."

"Oh." Steve sat up straight, feeling a bit of triumph. He knew he'd never mess up any mission and that, no matter how minuscule, gave him some kind of an upper hand. "Did they fire him?" He asked.

"He died." You said nonchalantly. You had been so devastated at the time that your heart had sunken all the way down to China and people in China were like, 'what the fuck is this in my living room?!'.

But alas, duty had called upon you. You had to forget about him and get over him for the sake of your work and the lives of other people you could save. It was hard but over the course of time in your life, the hardships had taught you well enough to bury your feelings. And so you did.

Steve, on the other hand, was a completely different story though. He did feel bad albeit not for what you had said but for the fact that he felt good at the said news. He was quite relieved at finding that you were single. Things were messing up Steve's mind and he loved it. He loved how you turned his everything around with just one look. He loved how you made him feel even when you didn't talk and also when he could only hear you talking and not see you. He loved every part of you. And that's how it became the sole purpose of his life to get you to be his and his forever.

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now