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"I love you, Y/N," He said, his voice ever so calm even now, and you saw the briefest hint of tears in his eyes before you felt the impact as he wrapped his arms around you and you fell from the thirty-sixth floor of the building.

You barely had the time to comprehend the situation as you tightly held onto Steve's shirt. You looked at Steve and he was looking directly into your eyes. His face was calm and you tried to speak or yell but as you opened your mouth, you felt the air's resistance and the panic had somehow ceased every muscle of your body. No sound left your throat, or you didn't hear it even if it did. All you could hear was the sound of air as you gushed through it. It sounded almost as if you had just dived into a rapid of a river. 

You felt instinct kick into you, too slow for the sake of your own patience, as you started to regain your senses. You had been trained to fall from buildings and still survive without any rope or equipment. It was like driving after a long time, it just came back to you slowly by instinct. You finally looked away from Steve's eyes to estimate your height when you knew it was too late. You were too close to the ground to do anything. 

You felt like you were going to be sick, your body felt weightless and your head lightened. The apparent weight of your body shifted suddenly as Steve's grip on you tightened. His grip was too strong on your back and it felt like he was going to tear your skin apart when you saw that he had jammed his hand into the cement of the building. Your speed decelerated and you finally came to a halt a few feet above the ground as Steve's hand ran down the building, making one narrow hole as it had slid down for a short distance. Steve then jumped, holding you, and you were on the ground safely. You couldn't believe you were alive and your legs gave up as they touched the ground. Your stomach wrenched and you put a hand to your mouth to stop from throwing up.

Your head was spinning but you felt Steve's hold on you again as he picked you up and began to ran. The world came to you faster this time and you saw Tony's suits were emerging from the Avengers Tower as Steve ran away from it. Steve suddenly stopped and put you down. Steve grabbed your hand and ran to the opposite side of the road where a guy was on his bike. You could barely catch up with his speed. Steve punched the guy and sat you down backwards in front of him. 

"Hold tight," Steve said and you did so. You wrapped your hands around him and were facing the back of the bike as Steve drove. You saw Tony's suits and a couple of helicopters behind them. You buried your face into Steve's chest and dared not look back up as tears welled in your eyes. I can't believe I'm about to die Grand Theft Auto style, the thought popped up into your head. It was the first coherent thought your mind had been able to conjure since you fell. 

"Steve, stop." You were finally able to speak and your throat suddenly felt really dry. "W-We can surrender," You said and gulped, trying to lubricate your throat. Steve ignored you and took a sharp turn into an alley. He road the alleys from then on, only getting on the road to change directions. You looked around and began to count your chances. You were free here, you could jump off and get a few scratches but you'd be free. 

You loosened your grip on Steve's shirt and slowly tried to get back when Steve spoke, as if he could read your thoughts, "Don't even think about it." He said. You gulped and remained still, Steve wouldn't dare to come after you, would he? Not with so many people on his tail. You looked up and saw nobody, not even the helicopters though you could still faintly hear the sound of their blades. Steve had lost them, but even then... 

"Steve, we can surrender." You said, "We don't have to run, please. I'll be with you. You don't have to do this, it'll only make things worse." You let out a sigh of relief when the bike slowed down and he finally stopped. 

Limerence (Steve Rogers x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now