Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Kenny rolled over in his sleep, reaching out to wrap his arm around me. When he felt nothing but an empty bed, he started to stir and feel around a little more. And when he realized I was gone, he sat up in a panic, searching around his blankets, and eventually looking around his room for me. The box I shoved Kelli into was gone, and so was a lot of the glass that fell all over the floor. I thought It'd be nice to keep him from stabbing his foot while he was half asleep.

"Y/n?" He questioned. He jumped out of bed, put on his parka and orange pants, which were still a little damp, and he threw open his door. He heard the shower running.

"Y/n? You takin' a hot sexy shower in here?" He asked, opening the door a little.

"Why yes, Kenny~" Kevin called in a high-pitched voiced, "Why don't you join me?"

Kenny screamed and slammed the door when his idiot brother pulled back the curtain and started swinging his dick around.

"Kevin, you asshole! You're fucked in the head!!" Kenny told him, listening to him laugh from the other side of the door. He knocked on Karen's door, praying they were maybe having some early morning small talk.

"Karen, have you seen Y/n??" He asked her, pushing her door open.

"What...? She's gone already?" She tiredly rubbed her eyes, just waking up.

"What?? No no no no no-" He ran into the living room and looked around his kitchen. I wasn't there. He put his hands on his head and ran outside.

"YY/NNNNN!!!!" He yelled into the street.

"Kenny! Calm down!" Karen ran out after him. She grabbed his arm and looked into his stressed eyes.

"This can't be happening, we just got her back! Why would she leave when she just revealed to us who she was?? Is she mad at me? Maybe she wasn't ready to tell us yet- m-maybe she-"

"Kenny... it's okay. She probably left this morning to go take care of Kelli. That huge case in your room was gone, wasn't it?" She asked.

"Oh... yeah I guess it was." He sighed, scratching his head.

"See? It's gonna be okay, big bro. She'll probably show up again, later." Karen shrugged. Kenny took in a deep breath.

"Okay... yeah, you're right... Thanks Karen." He sighed.

"Yep. Do we still have cereal?" She asked.

"No, I think I saw Kevin eating the rest of the box last night..." Kenny told her.

"What?? But it was like half full!" She complained.

"I know. He's a pig. I would've told him off but he would've just made fun of my punk ass face and told me to go fuck Kelli or something..." He sighed.

"Oh... Well... What can we eat?" She frowned.

"I don't know... I don't got any money..." He frowned back at her disappointed eyes, "oh, I know. Let's go to Stan's house and steal his snacks. I'm sure his mom won't care."

"Okay. Are you gonna tell him about Y/n?" She asked.

"Maybe. I'd rather show them, but I don't know where she went..." He said as they strolled down the street. He rubbed his sore shoulder and his scabbed wrists, and twisted his arm around as Karen thought.

"What do you think she did with Kelli...?" She asked.

"I... have no idea..." He sighed.

"Is she awake yet?" Butters asked me.

"Yeah she is, but she's not responding much." I said, looking down at Kelli as she lied on an old blanket laid across a fold-up table. She very slowly moved her head back and forth, her eyes scanning slowly across the dark room. As of right now, she was a vegetable.

Jilted Junkies :||: Kenny x Reader || South Park FanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat