Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Oh my god!!" Stan yelled as he picked himself up off the ground. Tweek was paralyzed with fear and Craig was checking him for injuries. Jimmy had a broken crutch and a huge scrape across his face from skidding against the rock floor.

"Fuck!!" Kite's voice shook as he held his arm, "M-my shoulder!! It's out of socket! Dear god!! I dislocated my-" Karen grabbed his shoulder with both hands and popped it back into place.

"AAAaahhhh-- Oh god... thanks, that feels way better..." Kyle said, moving his arm around in a circle. Karen, Token, and Toolshed seemed rather unharmed.

"Ughhh... owie... o-owie.." Clyde stood up. He felt his face, and then he screamed.

"AAAAAAGGGGHHH!!! My nose!!" His Mosquito nose had completely snapped from his face after he fell to the ground. Blood was pouring out of the tiny stub that was left of it. Clyde went light headed and fainted. Token caught him before he hit the ground.

"Oh god!! What do we do!?" Kyle screamed.

"Uh... Here..." Damien reached for Clyde's face with a heated hand and cauterized the injury. Clyde screamed again from the burn for a second, but then he was out like a light.

"Well... at leastht he sthtill hasth histh wingsth..." Scott trembled, trying not to cry.

"Where's Pip?" Damien asked. He moved Token out of his way and stared in complete shock. Pip was on the floor, and one of his legs had been blown off, and the other one was mangled to shit.

"OH MY GOD." He dropped to his knees and grabbed him.

"Uggh... Damien...? Why is it so dark?" Pip questioned.

"Your eyes are closed..." Damien told him.

"A... am I bleeding?" Pip asked, squeezing his hand.

"Yes..." Damien told him with concern.

"Are we... are we in hell, Damien?" He asked.

"No... why??" Damien questioned.

"It hurts... so much..." Pip grunted. Damien started to huff. He looked around and saw Pip's other leg a few feet away. He reattached it to Pip's body, wrapping his hands around the severed bits of skin, and let his palms burn. Pip cried, but he didn't pass out like a pussy. Damien fused the skin back together with his heat. The most efficient cauterization ever.

"You're going to be okay." Damien told him.

"Okay..." Pip whispered.

"Come on! If he's okay then we need to get out of here!" Stan exclaimed. Token grabbed Pip and Clyde, threw them over his shoulders, and they sought out for an exit.

Butters and The Crusader sat up as they watched huge clouds of smoke pour out from the hole. They turned to each other, and Butters grinned. He laughed and wrapped SC up in a hug.

"That was awesome!! I can't believe we got out of that!!" He smiled. The Crusader nodded and jumped to their feet, helping Butters along the way.

"So you got Kenny to get rid of my muscles? How did he do that??" Butters asked. Silent Crusader shrugged at him. They personally thought maybe Kenny could at least help get Butters to a hospital since Cartman would be out of the way. But Kenny's weird healing process was very unexpected.

"Did you know he could do that?" Butters asked. SC shook their head.

"Well, whatever. I feel great now! Let's go find a new hiding spo-" Butters paused mid-sentence when he turned around and saw Danny, Reggie, Dylan, and Kelli staring right at them with wonder. They all had shovels and were covered in dirt.

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